Publications | Russian Oldbeliever Church

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The Russian Orthodox Old Believer Church

The official website of the Moscow Metropolitanate.

Address: Russia, Moscow, Rogozhsky Poselok street, 1A, 5.
Phone: +7 (495) 361-51-91

Publications of the Moscow Metropolis.



Penance is a spiritual instruction designed to help a person overcome his sinful predilections and serve as atonement for the sin or sins committed.

The Procession of the Cross of Velikoretskoe

The Procession of the Cross of Velikoretskoe

The procession of the Cross of Velikoretskoe is the longest of all Old Believer processions of the Cross.

The Procession of the Cross of Serkovo

Serkovo procession of the Cross is an annual event of the Chisinau Eparchy.

A decade of priestly ministry

A decade of priestly ministry

The tenth anniversary of service in the priesthood is celebrated by the rector of the Balakovo church, the director of the Edifying Department of the Moscow Metropolia, priest Mikhail Rodin.

Hieromartyr and confessor Avvakum

Hieromartyr and confessor Avvakum

A biography of the hieromartyr and confessor Avvakum, who led the opposition against Patriarch Nikon’s reforms of the Russian Orthodox Church.

Sermon on the twentieth week of Pentecost


Someone who is even a little familiar with the history, culture and life principles of the followers of the Old-Rite, it’s clear that most popular beliefs about the followers of the Old-Rite are mistaken.

Mystery of Communion

Mystery of Communion

The greatest of the seven Church Sacraments is Holy Communion, or Eucharist.

Mystery of Baptism

Mystery of Baptism

Of all the Church sacraments, Baptism is the most important. This is the sacrament wherein a person first commits himself to our Lord Jesus Christ.

The Mystery of Marriage

The Mystery of Marriage

The reason to enter in marriage is that it can help us to lead a chaste life; this will be the case if we choose such brides who can bring us great chastity, great modesty.

The Mystery of Chrismation

Тhe mystery of Chrismation is intrinsically connected to the Mystery of Baptism and is performed on a person once in a life.

The Mystery of Anointment

When a man sins, he makes not only his soul, but his body sick. In order not to leave her children without help during heavy illness, the Holy Church offers the mystery of anointment.

What is globalisation from the Orthodox point of view

What is globalisation from the Orthodox point of view

The media has managed to firmly ingrain the word “globalisation” into the collective consciousness.

Orthodox Old-believers' Humanities Institute in the name of Protopriest Avvakum: prospects for its revival

Orthodox Old-believers’ Humanities Institute in the name of Protopriest Avvakum: prospects for its revival

Among the topics of the previous Council of the Metropolitanate the discussion and approval of an important decision related to the revival of the Moscow Old-believers’ Institute became a sensation.

Old-believers and the Law of God

Old-believers and the Law of God

One of the prime motives for the rejection of public schools by the Old-believers was that the Law of God was being taught there by teachers of religion from the Russian Church.

Faith and deeds

Faith and deeds

Since the fall of human nature, since the divisive moment of separation between man and God, a longing for the paradise lost has been lying in the souls of people.

Archbishop Meletius (Kartushin), Archbishop of Moscow and All Russia

Biographical information regarding Meletius, archbishop of Moscow and All Rus’ (in the world – Michael Policarpovich Kartushin; c. 1859-1934).