Russian Oldbeliever Church | Official site of the Moscow Metropolitanate

The Russian Orthodox Old Believer Church

The official website of the Moscow Metropolitanate.

Address: Russia, Moscow, Rogozhsky Poselok street, 1A, 5.
Phone: +7 (495) 361-51-91

Spiritual labours for the commemoration of saints

January Metropolis Council

Meetings of the Metropolis Council took place in Moscow, in the building of the New Chambers at Rogozhskoye, under the chairmanship of Metropolitan Korniliy

Spiritual labours for the commemoration of saints

Spiritual labours for the commemoration of saints

The Old Believers of Shamary and their guests visited the place of demise of Saints Konstantin and Arkadiy.

Two months in Russia

Two months in Russia

А delegation of Old Believer parishes of Uganda visited Moscow at the invitation of Metropolitan Korniliy.

International Old Believer Union was established in Moscow

International Old Believer Union was established in Moscow

The general meeting of the founders of the Association of Old Believer Organizations “International Old Believer Union” was held in Moscow.

Ugandan Old Believers met a delegation from Russia

Ugandan Old Believers met a delegation from Russia

Priests Alexey Lopatin and Nikola Bobkov made a working visit to Uganda.

The Renewed Kozina Chamber Оpened the Doors

The Renewed Kozina Chamber Оpened the Doors

On the Bright Week a renewed building was opened at Rogozhskоe in Moscow.


Pascal Archpastoral greetings

The day of Pascha is a day of spiritual spring, when a joyful light fills our soul.

From the Вookcase to the State Historical Museum Exposition

From the Вookcase to the State Historical Museum Exposition

Mitropolitan Korniliy donated to the State Historical Museum a book from his own collection. It is a Psalter published by Moscow Print Yard in 1640.


Archpastoral Greeting on the Nativity of Our Lord.

The radiant feast of the Birth of the Lord God and our Savior Jesus Christ has come — I congratulate you on this great celebration!

The Beauty of Faith in the Lens of the Master

The Beauty of Faith in the Lens of the Master

The secrets of the work and plans for the future were shared by the Metropolitan photographer Alexander Govorov.

A film about the Old Believers of Pakistan was screened at the House of Cinema in Moscow

A film about the Old Believers of Pakistan was screened at the House of Cinema in Moscow

The documentary film “…neither Greek nor Jew” by Pavel Chukov was presented to the audience of the House of Cinema of the Union of Cinematographers of Russia at the event “Russian Trace”.

Metropolitan Korniliy Visited the Governor of St. Petersburg

Metropolitan Korniliy Visited the Governor of St. Petersburg

Metropolitan Korniliy, vizited the Governor of of St. Petersburg.

With the Wish to Keep the Orthodox Faith

With the Wish to Keep the Orthodox Faith

Interview with Mitropolitan Korniliy prepared to the 75th anniversary.

The degree of the church schism in Ukraine cannot be increased

Orthodoxy and Art

“Human nature is twofold. Our being has a material and spiritual side. Similarly, communion with God, prayer, contains a twofold nature”.

Pascha services at the Rogozhskoe Settlement

Pascha services at the Rogozhskoe Settlement

His Grace metropolitan Korniliy led the Pascha service in the Intercession cathedral on the Rogozhskoe settlement.


Archpastoral Greeting on Pascha

“Christ came into the world and sacrificed Himself in order to return people to that blissful state in which our forefathers were before, in order to soften morals, to elevate people spiritually. He came to change earthly life into heavenly life, to make people a “holy people”, a “royal ordination” and thereby establish His Kingdom on earth”.



Penance is a spiritual instruction designed to help a person overcome his sinful predilections and serve as atonement for the sin or sins committed.

A decade of priestly ministry


A conversation with Priest Mikhail Rodin about the of the decision Metropolitan Council.

Sermon on the Sunday of Thomas

Sermon on the Sunday of Thomas

“Аlthough we do not see the Saviour with bodily eyes, let us begin to look at Him with the eyes of faith, fulfilling His holy commandments”.