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Two months in Russia
А delegation of Old Believer parishes of Uganda visited Moscow at the invitation of Metropolitan Korniliy.
Pascal Archpastoral greetings
The day of Pascha is a day of spiritual spring, when a joyful light fills our soul.
Archpastoral Greeting on the Nativity of Our Lord.
The radiant feast of the Birth of the Lord God and our Savior Jesus Christ has come — I congratulate you on this great celebration!
With the Wish to Keep the Orthodox Faith
Interview with Mitropolitan Korniliy prepared to the 75th anniversary.
Orthodoxy and Art
“Human nature is twofold. Our being has a material and spiritual side. Similarly, communion with God, prayer, contains a twofold nature”.
Archpastoral Greeting on Pascha
“Christ came into the world and sacrificed Himself in order to return people to that blissful state in which our forefathers were before, in order to soften morals, to elevate people spiritually. He came to change earthly life into heavenly life, to make people a “holy people”, a “royal ordination” and thereby establish His Kingdom on earth”.
Sermon on the Sunday of Thomas
“Аlthough we do not see the Saviour with bodily eyes, let us begin to look at Him with the eyes of faith, fulfilling His holy commandments”.
Metropolitan Korniliy’s speech at the International Old Believers Forum dedicated to the 400th anniversary of Protopriest Avvakum
“We are glad that now the state is turning to us, Old Believers, to learn from the experience of survival in difficult, sometimes extreme, conditions”.
Sermon on Great Saturday
“The events of the Passion of the Lord pass before us, and all that happened to Him because of His love for people”.
Sermon on the Great Thursday
“Let us remember that preparation for Communion begins immediately after the previous Communion, since our whole life consists in it – life, directed to salvation, spent in prayer and fasting, in good deeds and repentance”.
Sermon for the Fifth Sunday of Great Lent
“Indeed, what kind of salvation would it be, if God Himself would keep His laws, but man would remain unclean from sin?”
Sermon for the Fourth Sunday of Great Lent
“Let us pay attention to the behaviour of the father, who first turned not to the Saviour, but to His disciples”.
Sermon for the Sunday of the Veneration of the Cross
“Since ancient times the Cross had been foreshadowed in the form of images contained in the Holy Scriptures”.
Sermon for the Second Sunday of Great Lent
“Let us try, brethren, to make our fasting and prayer not fruitless”.
Sermon for the Sunday of Orthodoxy
“Faith is more necessary for us than anything else – any knowledge, arts, various earthly goods, no matter how useful and necessary these may seem to us”.
Sermon for the Sunday of the Prodigal Son
I”n his parables the Lord tells us about the innermost secrets of spiritual life and the ways of gaining the Kingdom of Heaven”.
Sermon for the Sunday of a Tax Collector and a Pharisee
“Two men went up into the temple to pray, one a Pharisee and the other a tax collector”.