On the last Bright Week, a joyful and long-awaited event took place at the spiritual center at Rogozhskoe in Moscow – the grand opening of the renewed building – Kozina Chamber. Metropolitan Korniliy honored the event with his presence.

If you look at the old plan of the Rogozhsky settlement, we will see the following entry under No. 10: “The building of the orphanage, the 2nd half of the XIX century.” This is exactly the Goat’s ward. Everyone who has been to Rogozhsky has seen this two-story old building with a side facade facing the metropolitan’s residence. And also everyone remembers perfectly well in what, in fact, it was in an emergency state until recently. But now, after the restoration, it’s nice to look both outside and inside! It’s been a long time since I’ve seen such beauty!
But first, a few words about the history of this very important building for the Rogozhsky spiritual center. “Object of cultural heritage of regional significance “Ensemble of the Rogozhsky Old Believer community, XIX century — early XX centuries. Kozina Chamber (Children’s Shelter), mid-XIX century, 1870s.”, at the address: Moscow, Rogozhsky settlement str., 29 building 4″ – this is now the name of this building in official documents. It is known from the history of this house that at various times it was used both as an almshouse and as an orphanage – in fact, it was built for these purposes. It is worth noting that almshouses and hospitals appeared at the Rogozhsky cemetery shortly after its foundation, and this building was one of them.

First of all, it makes sense to explain the historical name of the object, which is mentioned in all archival sources – Kozina Chamber. According to the traditions of that time, almshouses and hospitals received their names by the surnames or names of their founders (donors), for example: Bugrova, Konstantinov, Antonova Ward and so on. In this case, it is obvious that the merchant Kozin participated in the financing of the construction of the almshouse. The existence of this merchant at that time is documented, as well as the fact that he was an Old Believer. One way or another, but, according to archival documents, in the summer of 1830, the almshouse was already built. Moreover, on the topographic map of the environs of Moscow in 1848, it can be seen that the building is located on the south side of the Rogozhsky temple complex.

Further in the archives there are rare mentions of the Кozina Chamber. In particular, according to the list of persons who lived in it in 1882, it is clear that the elderly and female cripples were housed there – a total of 82 people. In the same years, a water supply system was arranged on the territory of Rogozhsky – to supply the almshouses with water. (Interestingly, the first mention of Rogozhsky’s connection to the sewer system refers only to 1955). All the time before the revolution of 1917, the Kozina Chamber served as an almshouse for the accommodation of the poor and infirm, and it existed on donations from wealthy Old Believers. After the revolution and the nationalization of the property, the building of the Kozina Chamber was used for many years as a state orphanage. The building dilapidated and fell into disrepair.

According to the Order of the Department of Cultural Heritage of the City of Moscow dated June 25, 2018 No. 476 “Kozina Chamber (Oprhanage), mid-XIX century, 1870s.” as part of the identified cultural heritage object “Ensemble of the Rogozhsky Old Believer community, XIX century.” was included in the unified State Register of cultural heritage objects (historical and cultural monuments) of the peoples of the Russian Federation as an object of cultural heritage of regional significance (ensemble), with the approval of protected areas and the subject of protection, after which its restoration and reconstruction began. In April 2023, restoration and repair work on the restoration of this building was completed in full.

The grand opening of the renewed Kozina Chamber began with a speech by Metropolitan Korniliy inside the building on the landing of the grand staircase, decorated with an ancient mirror of amazing beauty – preserved, as they say, since the time of the merchant Kozin. First of all, vladyka Korniliy expressed his deep gratitude to the designers, restorers and builders who returned this wonderful building to the Rogozhsky Spiritual Center. In his opinion, is very similar to a real palace structure. This building will soon be adapted for the long-standing needs of the Moscow Metropolitanate.

After the ceremonial opening with the traditional cutting of the red ribbon, a lunch was held in the refectory of the Kozina YardChamber, during which Metropolitan Cornelius presented memorable gifts to all the heads of design and construction organizations who worked hard to restore this beautiful building. The male choir of the Pokrovsky Cathedral performed Easter hymns, and the female choir “Amphora” performed spiritual verses. Vladyka himself pleasantly surprised the audience by reading Anton Pavlovich Chekhov’s instructive Easter story “The Cossack” during the tea party.