Sequence for the Holy Communion | Russian Oldbeliever Church

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The Russian Orthodox Old Believer Church

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Sequence for the Holy Communion

For the prayers of our holy fathers, Lord Jesus Christ Son of God have mercy on us, amen.

Glory to you our God, glory to you for the sake of everything, thrice. King of heaven. 3 holies, and up until Our Father. Lord have mercy 12. Come let us bow, thrice. Psalm, 21.

God my God pay attention to me, why have you left me. The words of my transgressions are far from my salvation. My God I will call in the days and you will not hear, and in night and it is not insanity for me. And you live in the holy O praise of Israel. Our fathers trusted in you, they trusted and you delivered them. They called upon you and were saved, they trusted in you and were not put to shame. And I am a worm, and not a person, vilification of men, and humiliation of people. All who see me scoffed at me, they spoke with their mouth, they nodded with their head. He trusted in the Lord, let him deliver him, let him save him if he wants him. For you are the one who brought me out of the womb. My hope from the breasts of my mother. I am committed to you from the uterus, from the womb of my mother. You are my God do not depart from me. For sorrow is near, for there is no one who helps me. Many calves surrounded me, young bulls beset me. They opened their mouths against me, like a lion stealing and roaring. Like water poured out, and all my bones were scattered. My heart was, like wax melting in the midst of my belly. My strength dried up like an earthenware, and my tongue stuck to my throat, and you brought me down to the dust of death. For many dogs surrounded me, the assembly of the knavish ones beset me. They dug out my arms and legs, they counted all my bones. And those looked upon and despised me. They divided my garments for themselves, and cast lots about my clothes. And you O Lord do not remove your help from me, be pay attention to stand for me. Deliver my soul from weapons, and from the hand of dogs my only-begotten. Save me from the mouths of lions, and my humility from the horns of unicorns. I will make your name known to my brothers, I will sing praise to you in the middle of the church. Those who fear the Lord praise him. All Jacob’s seed glorify him. Let all seed of Israel fear him, for he has not despised the prayer of the beggar, nor did he turn his face from me and when I called out to him, he heard me, from you is my praise, I will confess before you in a great church, I will offer prayers before those who fear him. The beggars will eat and will be satiated, and those who seek the Lord will praise him. Their hearts will be alive in the age of age. The ends of the earth will be remembered and turn to the Lord, and all fatherlands of gentiles will bow before him. For the Lord’s is the kingdom, and he rules the gentiles. All the fat ones of the earth ate and bowed down. Before him all those who descend into the earth will worship. And my soul lives for him, and my seed will work for him. The future generation will declare to the Lord, and his righteousness will be declared to the people who are born, whom the Lord has created.

Psalm of Davyd, 22.

The Lord shepherds me, and nothing will deprive me. In a lush place he has settled me, on the calm water he has nourished me, he has converted my soul. He has set me on the right paths, for the sake of his name. Even if I walk amidst the shadows of death, I will not fear evil, for you are with me. Your rod and your staff they have comforted me. You have prepared before me a meal opposite those who harm me. You have anointed my head with oil. And your cup makes me drunk as a strong one. And your mercy will pursue me all days of my life. And for me to settle into the house of the Lord into the length of days.

Psalm, 23.

The earth, and all that fills it is the Lord’s. The universe, and all who live in it. He has founded it on the seas, and prepared it on the rivers. Who will ascend to the mountain of the Lord? Or who will stand on his holy place. The one whose hands are not guilty and whose heart is pure, who did not accept his soul in vain, and did not swear to his neighbor deceitfully. He will receive blessing from God, and mercy from God his savior. This is the generation of those seeking the Lord, seeking the face of the God of Jacob. Lift up your gates O princes, and rise up O eternal gates, and the King of glory will enter. Who is this King of glory? The Lord mighty and strong, the Lord strong in battle. Lift up your gates O princes, and rise up O eternal gates, and the King of glory will enter. Who is this King of glory? The Lord of powers, he is the King of glory.

Psalm, 115.

I have believed, therefore I spoke, and I was humbled greatly. And I said in my horror: every man is a lie. What will I repay to the Lord about everything, which he repaid to me? I will receive the cup of salvation, and will call upon the name of the Lord. I will repay to the Lord my prayers before all his people. The death of his pious ones is honourable before the Lord. O Lord, I am your slave, I am your slave and the son of your female slave. You tore apart my bonds, I will make you the sacrifice of praise, and will call upon in the name of the Lord. I will repay the Lord my prayers before all his people. In the yards of the house of the Lord, amidst you O Jerusalem.

Glory, now. Hallelujah, thrice. Lord have mercy, thrice. Troparion, voice, 2.

Overlook my transgressions O Lord, who was born from the Virgin, and purify my heart, making it the church for your most pure body and blood. Nor will you drive me away from your face, O the One who has countless great mercy.

Glory. How can I dare into the communion of your holies. If I dare to approach you together with the worthy ones, my attire exposes me, for it is not suitable for wedding, and I will obtain the condemnation, of my soul which has many sins. Purify the defilement of my soul, and save me as the One who loves the humankind

Now. A great multitude[1] of my transgressions O Mother of God, I have fled to you O Most Pure, demanding[2] salvation. Visit my ailing soul, and beg your son and our God, to grant me forgiveness, of what I did in an evil way, O Only Blessed One.

Psalm, 50. Lord have mercy on me.

Canon for the holy communion, of the most holy body and blood, of our Lord God and Saviour Jesus Christ. Voice, 2.

Song, 1. Irmos. Come people, let us sing a song to Christ God, who split the sea, and led the people, whom he had liberated from the slavery of Egyptians, for he has glorified himself.

Create a pure heart in me O God, and renew the right spirit in my womb.

See O soul Christ being slaughtered, at the Divine meal, do not converse O miserable one diligently with your friends, for you anger God O the one having many sins.

Do not reject me from your face and do not bereave me of your Holy Spirit.

In the heavens angels with fear stand before it, but you O miserable one stand without fear talking idly, seeing Saviour Christ being slaughtered.

Glory. What soul seeing, or what man witnessing what happens now, Christ is slaughtered, priests serving with fear, would not glorify the one broken into pieces.

Now. The Word of the Father settled in your womb, O Virgin Pure Mother, renewed us, the one who incarnated wilfully, and honoured us with receiving the communion of the Divine flesh.

Song, 3. Irmos. Strengthen us with yourself O Lord, who killed sins by the tree. And install your fear in our hearts, as the One who loves the humankind.

Create a pure heart in me O God.

Honour us to receive the communion of your body uncondemned, and of your honourable blood, and glorify your goodness.

Do not reject me from your face.

Instruct us in your fear O our Saviour, honour to offer you, the Divine holy service with great fear.

Glory. The preacher cries out, ordering us to always come to the house of God. Let us not become lazy, but let us run now for there is time.

Now. You have deified us by your Divine conception O Virgin, for you accepted God in your womb having conceived, whose flesh we eat together. Lord have mercy, thrice.

Kathisma. Voice, 2. Let the receiving of the your most pure and making-alive musteries fire and light for me O Saviour, burning the chaff of sin, and enlightening me all, to the true theology. For I will not betray the holy mysteries, surrendering to the enemy’s lie. Nor will I give you a kiss of lie, but I fall before you life the fornicatress, and like the robber confessing cry out to you, remember me in your kingdom.

Glory, now. To the Mother of God. We have become partakers of the Divine nature, by you O Mother of God Ever Virgin, for you gave birth to God incarnated for us. This is why we unceasingly glorify you, singing praises according to the duty.

Song, 4. Irmos. Having come from the Virgin, neither an intercessor nor an angel, but you yourself O Lord having incarnated, and saved me the whole human being. This is why I cry out to you, glory to your power.

Create a pure heart in me O God.

Let us all stand with fear and trembling, having the eyes of heart raised up, crying out to the Saviour, strengthen us, and instruct O generous God, in your fear.

 Do not reject me from your face.

The King of all goes out, sanctifying us all by his entrance, as a merciful One. And you, O my soul, seeing him, do not weaken out of fear, speaking improperly.

Glory. Let us raise our hearts up, where our life is,  hating what is below. We all have to live like this, and not crawl on the ground like snakes.

Now. You have become a vine that grew the Divine bunch without seed O Mother Bride of God. And gladdened the souls, of those who confess you Mother of God piously.

Song, 5. Irmos. O giver of light, and creator of ages O Lord, edify us in the light of your orders, for we do not know another God besides you.

Create a pure heart in me O God.

O brothers the priest stoops his neck. He prays for us, and we standing are carried away to the thorny concerns of this life by our mind.

Do not reject me from your face.

Having the most defiled soul, and impure mouth O Lord. And how dare I approach you now, and receive your body. But you show me worthy.

Glory. Tell me O man, wanting to receive bright pearls, you always stand and laugh, and do things that move God to anger, and how do you want to approach him.

Now. You bore in the fleshly womb the One who is fleshless by nature. The one who incarnated from you above nature. Honour us to receive communion of his Divine flesh.

Song, 6. Irmos. Being contained by the abyss of sins, I call upon the unexplorable abyss of your mercy, O God lift me from corruption.

Create a pure heart in me O God.

We stand before an earthly king and authorities with fear. But hear O brothers we stand without fear, seeing the One who governs all.

Do not reject me from your face.

You are a dream and dust O man, grass and shadow, why are you haughty, but look into a grave and see the beauty of your image and cry about yourself.

Glory. Let us all approach the Divine mysteries of Christ with fear and trembling. And receive his true and holy body, and his true and holy and honourable blood.

Now. You were shown to be the holy tent, O Most Viceless Lady. For God incarnated in you and appeared, so that he even gave his flesh to the world. Lord have mercy. thrice. Glory, now.

Kontakion, voice, 6. Son of God, accept me today as a partaker, of your Mysterious Supper. For I will not report your mystery to your enemies, nor give you a kiss like Judas, but like a robber, confessing call to you, remember about me O Lord in your kingdom.

Ikos. How can I enter into the light of your saints, being unworthy. If I dare to enter the palace, my attire exposes me, for it is not suitable for wedding. And I will be tied, and expelled by angels, purify the defilement of my soul, and save me as the One who loves the humankind.

Song, 7. Irmos. The God-opposing order of the lawless torturer, raised the flame high. But Christ who stretched the spiritual cold out to the pious children, is blessed and greatly glorified.

Create a pure heart in me O God.

To stand and to sing to the Lord with faith  and pay attention to him, and cry out the whole day your righteousness O Lord. Having left now all deception, we are found not doing what we sing.

Do not reject me from your face.

Tell me O man, what have you promised to God, confessing in the house of holiness. Therefore fear, that you have not kept; or do you imagine that you confessed it to a corruptible man.

Glory. O my miserable soul, soul full of passions, be terrified, seeing the most glorious mysteries, and sighing shed a tear, beating your chest, calling out and saying, O God, purify me, like the prodigal one.

Now. You have accepted O Mother Virgin the co-beginningless Word of the Father in your womb, and he incarnated as he himself wished. O Lady, gladdened by God, honour us all, to receive communion of his flesh.

Song, 8. Irmos. Of the One who descended into the fiery furnace to the Jewish children, and changed the flame into cold, raise in songs all deeds of the Lord, and exalt him for ever.

Create a pure heart in me O God.

You call upon the Father and cry out, O soul standing before the All-seeing One, and in no way fulfilling his pious order. Watch diligently O miserable one what you say, so that you are not condemned.

Do not reject me from your face.

The Lord commands us, and teaches O brothers manifestly, to be attentive always, and always fear death, and receive his most pure body and blood with faith, in all ages.

Glory. To the One who tests the wombs, and hearts truly, how dare we say, forgive us O God, what we owe to you, having hate to all our brothers.

Now. The Divine bread of life, in your belly O Mother of God was baked truly, keeping your uterus unharmed O Having no vice at all.  Therefore we praise you in singing as our Nurturer for all ages.

Song, 9. Irmos. The Son of beginningless Father, God and the Lord, having incarnated from the Virgin appeared to us, to enlighten the darkened, and to gather the dispersed. Therefore we glorify the Mother of God praised by all.

Create a pure heart in me O God.

Sanctify O Sovereign our mind as the Merciful One, and souls and bodies by your coming now, of your most pure body O Word, and Divine blood, so that we glorify you, and exalt unceasingly.

Do not reject me from your face.

Honour me O Lord, to receive your Divine body, and honourable blood, by defiled hands and mouth, now my Saviour. And what will I bring O Sovereign, to your great patience?  

 Glory. Sanctify O Lord, and instruct and strengthen hearts, of those who receive you Divine body, and honourable blood with faith and fear. Show them fulfillers of your words, and sons of your kingdom.

Now. Having contained in your womb the fleshless God, you gave birth to the One, who is double in nature.  And you satiated our nature, that was melted by sinful thirst, with holiness O Pure Mother Sovereigness. Therefore we glorify your Birth o the one who is praised in songs by all. Also, It is right, 3 holies and up until Our Father. Troparion, voice 8.

When the glorious disciples were enlightened at the washing of the supper, then the impious Judas was darkened, being sick with the love of money, and gave you the righteous Judge over to the lawless judges. See the lover of properties , who acquired insatiety for their sake, and gave himself over to strangulation. Flee from the unsatiable soul, which did such a thing to the Teacher. Glory to you O Lord, who is good to everyone. Thrice. Also, Lord have mercy, 40. And bows, 15, or as much as you wish, according to the power of each, saying the prayer.

Lord purify me a sinner, and have mercy on me.

The One who created me have mercy.

My sins are countless O Lord forgive me. Then, confession to our Lord Jesus Christ.

Prayers for the holy communion.

Prayer, 1. Of saint great Basil.

Sovereign Lord Jesus Christ our God, King of those reigning, and the Lord of those who rule. The source of life and immortality, the One who is the Creator of all creation seen and unseen. The One who is the co-eternal Son of the beginningless Father, and co-beginningless. The One who for the sake of your greatest goodness, in the last days put flesh on himself, and was crucified and buried for us, ungrateful and depraved. And having renewed by your blood our nature which had been corrupted by sin. You yourself O immortal King, Sovereign who love the humankind, accept the repentance of me a sinner. Incline your ear to me, and hear my words. For I have sinned O Lord, I have sinned before heaven and you, and am not worthy to look up at the height of your glory. I have angered your goodness, and transgressed your commandments. And have not obeyed your orders. But you O Lord being gentle, having great patience and mercy, have not gave me over to perish with my iniquities, in all ways waiting for my conversion. For you said O the One who love the humankind by your prophet: I do not want the death of a sinner, but that he converts and be alive. For you do not want O Sovereign to destroy the creation of your hands, nor do you favour the perishing of men, but want all to be saved, and come into the true mind. Therefore also I, although I am unworthy of heaven and earth, and that temporary life, having submitted myself completely to sin, and enslaved to delights, and defiled your image, but being your creation and work. I do not despair of my salvation, a miserable one, but hoping for your immesurable kindness I come to you. Accept me also O Lord who loves the humankind, like the fornicatress, the robber, the tax collector, and the prodigal son, and take away my heavy burden  of iniquities, O the One who took on himself the sins of the world, and heal the ailments of men. The one calling to himself those who labour and are burdened and giving them rest. The one who did not come to call the righteous, but the sinners to repentance. Purify me O Lord, from all defilement of flesh and spirit, and teach me to perfect holiness in your fear, so that in pure testimony of my conscience, taking part of your holy mysteries, I will unite your holy body and blood, and have you living and abiding in me with the Father and the Holy Spirit. Yes O Lord Jesus Christ my God, do not let the communion of the your most pure and making-alive mysteries be for me into condemnation, nor will I be infirm in soul and body, because I receive them unworthily. But grant me even until my last breath, to take part of your holy mysteries uncondemned, into the communion of the Holy Spirit, into the accompaniment of the eternal life, into the good answer at your fearful judgement, so that I also with all your chosen ones, will be a partaker in your incorruptible goods, that you have prepared for those who love you O Lord. In whom you are greatly glorified, in the ages to ages, amen.

Prayer 2, of saint Basil the Great.

Holy Sovereign, the Most Pure, Undefiled, who because of your great mercy did not consider unworthy our nature which became obsessed by passions, to accept it without sin and defilement. And having purified it with your holy blood, that was poured out for the salvation, of the creation of your holy hands. Who made the ineffable act of providence, not for the sake of those who have not sinned before you, or who have pleased you, but for the sake of those who have angered and rejected you, those who have despaired in the hope of any salvation. For you yourself said O Good One, that those who are healthy do not need a physician, but those who are sick. And that you came not to save those who are being saved, but those who perished. You O Benevolent, accept with your benevolence also me unworthy who hopes for your generosity, and dares to approach your most holy body and blood, and tolerate to accept my unworthiness as a partaker of your fearful mysteries. And neither shun nor become angry, nor show me guilty, for I am sinful and impure, and approach unworthily. But O soul-loving Lord, who granted us sinful your body and blood into the remission of sins. Give me for the sake of their communion, your settling in me your useless slave. And my dwelling in you, my Good Sovereign and Saviour. Make for me the communion of these, into the relief of ineffable heaviness of my iniquities. Into the deliverance from guilt, into purification of soul and body. For you poured out your Divine and life-shedding blood for the sinners, for the condemned, for those who cannot answer, by your great mercy. Honour me to drink it uncondemned, to eat your making-alive body. And let not the communion be for me, who eat and drink unworthily, into condemnation, O the One who loves the humankind, instead of receiving the remission of my evils. For you who know all know that I do not approach with insolence, nor as a non-condemned, or as a worthy one with insolence, but with fear and trembling, and with shivering of heart and bones, and of my very brain. You know that I judge myself and am unworthy, even to look at your fearful meal with my eyes. But however for the sake of your ineffable mercy that you showed to sinners, by division of your holy body, pouring out of your honourable blood, I wish to be nourished with your soul-nourishing food, O Christ our God, and throw myself boldly into abyss of your mercy. I look up at your passions that make us incorrupt, that you accepted out of your love of humankind, into the remission of our sins, being caught by fear and joy. Partly because of my unworthiness, and partly for the sake of hope of forgiveness of what I sinned. See my humility O Lord, and grant me without guilt, and condemnation to receive your Divine, and making-God mysteries, into purification, into salvation and remission of my evils, into fleeing from my future punishment, and into the receiving of glory, and acceptance of goods that are prepared for those who love you, and live, and abide in you, by the prayer of your most glorified and most pure Mother, and all your saints, amen.

Prayer 3, of saint great Basil.

Sovereign Lord our God, the only-begotten Son and Word, of the Living and Immortal Father, who gave himself into sacrifice for us, for the sake of whom he became man, to show us to be of the same image as you, and make us your own by the communion of your making-alive mysteries. I will raise you for you have lifted me. And have not gladdened my enemies because of me. But you have called out my soul from hell, and saved me from those who descend into ditch. And now bend your ear towards me, and hear my words, and make my unworthy a partaker, as of your image, so also of your most pure flesh, and your very honourable blood, into the remission of sins, into the forgiveness of transgressions, into the communion of the Holy Spirit. Ignoring for the sake of the wealth of goodness, all my willful and unwillful transgressions, that were committed knowingly and unknowingly. For though I am unworthy of the heaven and earth, but I am your creature, and the making of your most pure hands. Though I have corrupted your image by transgression of your commandments, ignore my transgressions, O the One who takes upon himself the sins of the world and sinless Lord, for I sinned against you the One, and before you my Good God a fall down, though I always anger you by my evil deeds. Do not shun me with impure heart, defiled mouth, soul full of passions, but hoping for your mercy and approaching, accept me like the fornicatress, and like the robber and the tax collector, and forgive me my many evil deeds. As the One who has authority to forgive transgressions to sinners, for the sake of partaking in your most pure mysteries. And having scorched the movements of passions of my soul by the coal of your holy body, purify my heart, like at one time the mouth of your prophet, for the sake of your fearful Seraphim. And enlighten my thoughts by the light of your joy, and fill me all with holiness, for you are holy in nature. And by the communion of your honourable blood, fill my heart with joy, and my mind with your gladness. Mortify all my bodily members, by the communion of your holy mysteries. And free from all fleshly wish, by inspiration of your Holy Spirit. Yes O God coming and making dwelling with your Father and Holy Spirit, in all your saints. Who has honoured to be received by me sinful and unworthy, in the bloodless sacrifice offered to you, for the sake of your immeasurable goodness, abide in me, without doubt and without separation until the end of my life. And be for me into the adding of life from the destroyer, light into revelation of your hidden mysteries. Instructor into the way of your commandments, into the kingdom of heaven, eternal joy. Into fulfilling of wisdom, into perfection of word, into seeing of your words, that, which opens the mysteries of the Divine heavenly things, the stronghold against the adversary spirits. Be the One who subdues every improper wish in me. Yes O God co-essential with the Father, and with us O Word of God, be for me all this, and by the communion of your Divine gifts, unite with me in one Spirit, according to the prayer to your Father and God, of us unworthy. For I am flesh from your flesh, and bone from your bones. And I have been bearing you from the Divine baptism. Even though I defiled your clothes, you are the One who said, the one who eats my flesh, and drinks my blood, I abide in him, and he in me. And yours is the glory in the ages to ages, amen.

Prayer 4, of our holy father John Chrysostom, who is among the saints

Lord my God, I know that I am neither worthy, nor sufficient, for you to enter under the roof of the temple of my soul, for it is all empty and fallen. And you do not have a worthy place in me, to lean your head. But as you humbled yourself from the height for our sake, humble yourself also now to my humility. And as you accepted to lie down in the cave and in the cattle’s manger, in the same way accept to enter the manger of my unreasoning soul, and my defiled body. And as you did not consider unworthy to enter, and have supper together with sinners in the house of Simon the leper, in the same way show benevolence to enter into the temple of my humble soul, leprous and sinful. And as you did not turn away the sinful fornicatress similar to me, who came and touched you, in the same way show kind-heartedness to me a sinner, who comes and touches you, and as you have not shunned her defiled mouth, and stinking kissing you, in the same way do not shun the mouth which is more defiled than hers, more impure and vile, and my sinful tongue. But let the coal of your most pure body, and your honourable blood, for me into sanctification and illumination and health of my humble souls and body. Into relief of heaviness of my many transgressions. Into preservation from all devil’s actions. For the victory over evil ones and interdiction of them, and of my knavish habitual ways. Into mortification of passions, into keeping of your commandments. Into adding of your Divine grace, and appropriation of your kingdom. O come to you O Lord my God not with neglect, but hoping for your ineffable grace, so that O am not eaten by the wolf of thoughts, being moved away from your communion for long. Therefore I pray to you, O Sovereign, being the only holy, sanctify my soul and body, mind and heart, belly and womb, and renew me all. And root your fear in my members. And make your sanctification inalienable from me. And be a helper and protector for me, piloting my life in peace. And also honouring me with standing before you on your right hand, by prayers and supplications of your most pure Mother, your fleshless servants, and most pure powers, and all saints, who have pleased you from the beginning of age, amen.

Prayer 5, of saint John Chrysostom.

Sovereign Lord Jesus Christ my God who love the humankind, hoping for your generosity I pray to you, do not place me on your left hand, with goats who have angered you. Nor say to me, amen I say to you, I do not know you. But give me according to your goodness, tears always and affection, and humility to my heart. And purify it with your fear, and for the sake of the communion of your most pure and making-alive mysteries, so that it is a church of your grace. For although I am a great sinner, and unworthy, but always knock at your door. Although I am despondent and lazy, and not caring about my salvation, but I walk in your path. Save me for the sake of your grace, for you are blessed O Lord of everybody, and your generosity is upon all your children, and your might is for ever, amen.

Prayer 6, of saint John Chrysostom.

Sovereign Lord Jesus Christ our God, the only One who has authority to forgive sins, as the Good One who love the humankind ignore me sins committed knowingly and unknowingly. And honour me to receive the communion, of your Divine and most glorious and most pure and making-alive mysteries uncondemned, not into heaviness or torment, nor into adding of sins, but into purification, and sanctification, and betrothal of the future life and kingdom, into protection and help, and into deterrence of adversaries, into extermination of my many transgression. For you are the God of mercies and giver of bounties, and of love of humankind, and we send you the glory, together with the Father and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and in the ages to ages, amen.

Prayer 7, of saint John Chrysostom.

I know O Lord, that I receive the communion of your most pure body, and your honourable blood and am guilty, and eat and drink into condemnation, not discerning the body and blood of Christ and my God. But hoping for your bounties I come to you, who said: the one who eats my flesh, and drinks my blood, abides in me and I in him. Be merciful to me O Lord, and do not expose me a sinner. But do unto me according to your mercy. And let these holy mysteries, into enlightenment and into salvation, and into healing, into protection and purification, and sanctification of soul and body. And into driving away of all dreaming, and knavish deed, and devil’s action, acting in my members through thoughts, into boldness and love for you, into correction of life and strength, into cultivation of virtues of perfection. Into fulfilling of commandments, into the communion of the Holy Spirit. Into accompaniment of eternal life, and into the good answer that is at your fearful judgement, and not into judgement, or condemnation.

Prayer 8, of saint John Chrysostom.

God, free, be generous, forgive me my transgressions, that I sinned before you, by word, or action, or thought, willingly, or unwillingly, by mind, or unreasonableness, forgive me all, as the Good One who love the humankind, by the prayers of your most pure Mother, and your spiritual servants, holy powers, and all saints, who have pleased you from the beginning of age. Show benevolence to me so that I receive your holy and most pure body and honourable blood uncondemned, into healing of souls and body, and purification of my knavish thoughts. For yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory, together with the Father and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and in the ages to ages, amen.

Prayer 9, of saint John Chrysostom.

I believe O Lord and confess, that you are the Christ Son of the Living God, who came to the world to save sinners, the first of whom am I. I believe that this is truly your most pure body itself, and this is your honourable blood itself. This is why I pray to you, have mercy on me and forgive me, and free me from my sins, committed willingly and unwillingly, by word, by action, knowingly, and unknowingly, by mind and thought. And honour me to receive the communion, of your most pure mysteries, into the remission of sins and into eternal life. For you are blessed for ever, amen.

Prayer 10, of saint John Chrysostom.

Sovereign Lord who love the humankind, let not the communion of your holy mysteries be for me into condemnation, but into purification and sanctification of soul and body, and into the acquisition of the future life and kingdom. For you are blessed for ever, amen.

Prayer 11, of our holy and God-bearing father John Damascene, into the image of confession

 As if standing at your fearful and impartial judgement O Christ God, being guilty for condemnation, and being questioned, and giving answer about evils committed by me. In the same way today before the day of my condemnation came, I stand before you, and before your fearful angels, bent by my conscience, carrying before me my knavish and defiled, and lawless acts. I show them, and exposing humble myself. See O Lord my humility, and forgive all my sins, see that my iniquities have multiplied more than hairs of my head. What evil have I not done? What sin have I not committed? And what evil have I not imagined in my soul? Already by deed I committed fornication, adultery, buggery, self-aggrandizement, pride, reproaching, severity, annoyance, rebelliousness, slander, lie, hurrying to do evil, humiliation, breaking oath, calumny, demanding oath, blasphemy, idle talk, burning, laugh, drunkenness, gluttony, demonic possession of belly, hate, envy, love of money, love of gain, self-love, love of property, usury[3], love of glory, stealing, unrighteousness, criminal profit, avarice, jealousy, slander, iniquity, disobedience, defiled thoughts, and impure thoughts, as well as debilitated, blasphemous and unspeakable ones. And all my members I defiled, corrupted and made useless. Having been a worker for the devil in all ways. And I know O Lord, that my iniquities have overtopped my head. But your great generosity is immeasurable, and your mercy ineffable, of your gentle goodness. And there is no sin winning over your love of humankind. Therefore O most wondrous King, gentle Lord, show your amazing mercies on me a sinner. Show the power of your grace, and manifest the strength of your kind mercy, and accept me, a sinner turning to you. Accept me as you accepted the prodigal son, the tax collector, the robber, Menashe and the fornicatress, accept me who have sinned greatly, over measure, by word and action and thought, and misplaced lust, and mindless wishing. And as you accepted those who came in the eleventh hour, having done nothing worthy, in the same way accept me a sinner. For I have sinned a lot and acted lawlessly, and defiled myself. I have angered your Holy Spirit a lot, and saddened your kindness and love of humankind, by word and action and thought, in night and in day, willingly and unwillingly, manifestly and unmanifestly. And I know that you will present my sins in the same form as they were committed, and interrogate the word with me, about that which I sinned over measure in reason and unreasonableness. But O Lord, O Lord, do not expose me by your righteous judgement, nor punish me by your anger. Have mercy on me O Lord, for I am not only infirm, but also your creature. You have established your hand upon me. And I have done knavish things before you, and sinned to you the Only One, do not enter into judgement with your slave. For if you enter into judgement with your slave, if you overwatch iniquities O Lord, O Lord who can stand? For I am an abyss of sin, and am not worthy to look up and see the height of heaven, from the great number of my sins, which are uncountable. For all evil deeds and intentions, and device of satan, and craftiness, corruptings, and various outflows, softenings, masturbations, child molestations, incests, humiliations, rememberings of evil, advisings to evil, breakings of oath, assaults, touches and other immeasurable passions I have done, and they have not departed from me. What are the evils by which I have not been possessed? What are the sins by which I have not been corrupted? I have committed all sins. I have inserted every sin into my soul. I was useless for God and men. And who can raise me, who have fallen into so many evil sins? Lord my God, I have trusted in you. If there is a hope of salvation for me, if your love of humankind overcomes my many iniquities, be the saviour and the helper for me. And according to your great generosity, and great mercy, free and forgive all that I have sinned before you, for my soul has filled itself with many evils, and there is no hope of salvation for me. Have mercy on me O God, have mercy according to your great mercy, and do not repay me according to my deeds, nor put me to shame according to my doings. But convert and save me, and deliver my soul from evils growing together with her, and fierce attacks. Save me O Lord for the sake of your mercy. So that where sin increased, grace will abound much more. And I will praise and glorify you always, in all days of my life. For you are the God of those who repent, and we send you glory, together with your beginningless Father, and your Most Holy and Good and Making-alive Spirit, now and ever, and in the ages to ages, amen.

Prayer 12, of saint John Damascene.

I an wounded in heart, and your zeal has melted me, and your love has changed me O Sovereign, I am bound by the wish of you. Do that I am filled from your flesh. That I am satied with your living and deifying blood. That I accept your goods. That I am nourished with your Divinity. That I am worthy to meet you coming with glory at the aerial rapture, at the clouds with all your chosen ones. That I sing praises and worship you, and glorify you with gratitude in confession, with your beginningless Father, and your Most Holy and Good and Making-alive Spirit, now and ever and in the ages to ages, amen.

Prayer 13, of saint John Damascene.

Looking up at your great bounties, and the abys of your love of humankind O Christ God, I have now dared to approach, having the wish to receive communion, of your holy and making-alive mysteries. Being possessed by fear and awe, I am afraid to touch, for the sake of my many sins, so that instead of enlightenment I would be scorched. This is why I pray and fall before you, O Most Good and Wondrous King, forgive my sins voluntary and involuntary. And honour me to receive your most pure body, and your honourable blood uncondemned, into enlightenment, into delight, into gladness and joy of my soul and body, now and ever and in the ages to ages, amen.

Prayer 14, of saint John Damascene.

Lord, give mercy to those who hate me, and are at enmity with me, and vilify me, as well as to those who slander me, so that no one of them in no way, suffer any evil for the sake of me impure, neither in this, nor in the future age. But purify them by your mercy, and cover them with your grace O Good One.

Prayer 15, of saint Simeon Metaphrastes.

O Only One Pure, and Incorruptible Lord, who for the sake of the mercy of ineffable love of humankind, have accepted our nature, from pure and virginal blood, of the one who gave birth to you above nature, by coming of the Holy Spirit, and benevolence of the ever-living Father, O Christ Jesus Wisdom of God, and Peace and Power, who willed to accept making-alive and saving passions: cross, nails, spear, death. Mortify my soul-corrupting passions. O the One who captivated the kingdoms of hell by your burial, bury my advices for sin by good thoughts, and ruin the spirits of knavery. The One who raised the fallen forefather by your three-day, and God-bearing resurrection, raise me who have stumbled by sin, offering me the images of repentance. O the One who deified the accepted flesh by your most glorious ascension, and honoured it by sitting on the right hand. Honour me for the sake of receiving of your holy mysteries, to receive the right part of those who are saved. O the One who made your disciples honourable vessels,  by the descent of your Comforter Spirit, show me as well the receiver of his coming. O the One who is going to come to judge the universe in righteousness, be benevolent to me to meet you, my judge and creator, on the clouds, together with all your saints, so that I glorify you and sing praises endlessly to you, with your beginningless Father, and your Most Holy and Good and Making-alive and Co-essential Spirit, now and ever and in the ages to ages, amen.

Prayer 16, of saint Simeon Metaphrastes.

Father and Son and Spirit, Holy Trinity, inexhaustible Goodness, greatly caring Kindness, who does not have satiety, save me by faith only and through hope. O three-shining Light, O Most Holy Trinity, Trinity in persons, and One in nature. Source of Wisdom, and giver of sanctification, save me by faith only and through hope. O Fire purifying from sins, purify my soul from transgressions. Wash the ignorance of my soul. Snatch my soul from defilements. Restrain the thoughts of my soul. And make my mind king over thinking. Show me the all-powerful king over passions. Light up the candle of mind to my heart. Free from the darkness of sin. Enlighten and adorn the darkened one, look at me with the merciful eye. Purify, make happy the darkened one. O Father and Son and Spirit, Holy Trinity, grant me the light-bearing angel, helper for my mind, mentor and intercessor, keeper of my soul, and guide for my body, directing me to salvation. Make me, and earthly one, a sanctified one. Move me away from earthly thoughts. Dry the streams of evil in me. Exude the clouds of tears from me. For you are the merciful God, and the giver of good who does not wish evil to all who were lawless. You are all-approachable to all who committed sins. You are greatly patient to all who renounced. You are holy for the unrighteous, and enlightened for those who are not viceless. You have established the salvation of confession. You have given the images of repentance, to me abominable and defiled, knavish and miserable, dark and deplorable as well. For I have sinned more than the ancient ones. I have angered you and irritated a lot, more than the number of countless stars. More than the sand of the sea have I sinned before you. There is no kind of evil which is more evil. There is no shame of evil which is more knavish, that I have not committed, in any time and place, by soul and thought, and words and deeds. Abominations of my evilness have multiplied, my evil deeds have multiplied in tens of thousands. Burdens of my transgressions have multiplied, like iron by false ideas, my neck is bittered.  I am shackled in bonds in my heart and cannot run away, I cannot raise my head, there is no easing in my conscience. I look up at the heavenly height unworthily. The vision of men I see unworthily. I converse with a neighbour unworthily, I tread on the dust of the land unworthily. I have kindled your rage to the end. I have inflamed the fearful anger lawlessly. I have angered you and irritated a lot. I have committed all kinds of defilement before you. I have not wished any of your pure wishes. I have desired none of your desirable judgements. I have not kept any of your wise orders. I have kept none of your mighty words. And now I bend the knees of my heart, I also bend my darkened head, I bend my defiled neck. I bend my neck to your goodness, and bring my supplication to your goodness. I have sinned I have acted unrighteously and judged others. I have sinned, I have renounced, and was not ashamed. But I make supplication to your goodness. But I bring pleading to your kindness. But I pray to your extreme benevolence. But I pray, and call out, save and purify me, forgive my many transgressions. Forgive the fierceness of my debts. Forgive my many defilements. Forgive all of my abominations. And do not crush me with sins. Do not put me to death with iniquities. Do not rapture me with evil thoughts. Do not burn me with abominations. Do not deprive me of eternal goods. Do not expel me from the immortal meal. Do not estrange me from the joy of saints. Do not bereave me of my salvation. Grant me the gift of baptism. And also, the great Divine image of monkhood, for I have stained the first one with sins, I have defiled the first one with abominations. Honour me with the sacred communion of life, with the cup of blood shed by God, into the purification of my transgressions, into the deliverance and salvation, in the final bitter hour of death, in the heavy and painful hour, in the grim and darkened hour, save and be generous and purify me, separate the soul meekly from my defiled flesh. Show my dark soul enlightened. Deliver from the knavish demons. Tear apart all records of transgressions, the documents of my debts, disperse them into the abyss of hell, terminate, incinerate, burn to the end. Send meek and luminous angels then, repelling the demonic squads. Releasing the soul from torments, being generous to the miserable soul, lifting up without sins, lifting up to worship the throne having the image of fire, and the illumined one. All those praising who are being saved, honouring them with the joy of saints. Accept your goodness as the intercessor. Grant me your grace as the great intercessor, goodness, kindness, mercy, extreme benevolence. Accept the second intercessor, the beauty higher than the world, the Mother Virgin Maiden, Divine Ladder and Rod, ensouled Throne. Accept as an intercessor the lightning-ray order, Thrones, Cherubim, fiery Seraphim, Dominions, Powers, Authorities, Principalities, Archangels, and Angels. Accept as an intercessor your bright and light-bearing forerunner, sanctified before swaddle, God-speaking preacher, who shone forth before the Sovereign to those who are in the darkness. Accept as intercessors the orders of saints, orders of prophets, patriarchs, fathers, apostles and crown-bearing martyrs and all gatherings of the holy and light-bearing ones. Accept as an intercessor Mary the Egyptian, human being from earth, however going on heaven. Accept as an intercessor Onuphrius the Great, who made his body naked, and in a strange way dressed in Divine clothes, by good deeds. For you are the merciful God and the giver of good. God who is meek to the transgressors of the law. God granting deliverance from sins. God granting salvation to all, show all you goodness to me as well, pour to me the stream of your benevolence. For I have transgressed your law more than anyone, from the very womb and until the present time, save me in spite of unworthiness and of lack of hope, only by your goodness and kindness. so that I bless you, and praise with love. So that I thank, and sing to you piously, being saved in the future age, so that I bless you O blessed Sovereign, who is blessed by the heavenly powers, in all the countless ages, amen.

Prayer, 17, of saint Simeon the New Theologian.

From the defiled mouth, from the abominable heart, from the impure heart, from the defiled soul, accept the prayer O my Christ, and do not ignore my word, or image, or audacity. Give me audacity to speak, what I want O my Christ, and better, teach me, what is right for me to do and speak. I have sinned more than the fornicatress, who, when she learned where you dwell, bought the myrrh, and came to boldly anoint your feet, of my God Sovereign and Christ. As you did not drive away her, who came from the heart, do not reject me O Word. But give me your feet, to hold and kiss, and dare to anoint them with the streams of tears, as with the expensive myrrh. Wash me with my tears, and purify me with them O Word. Forgive my transgressions, and grant me mercy. You know a lot of evils, you know my scabs, and see the sores, but you also know the faith, and see the will, and hear the sigh. My God, my Creator and my Deliverer, neither a drop of tears, nor any particle of a drop, nor a movement of heart is hidden from you. Your eyes saw what I had not yet done, it is written in your books for you. See my humility. See the amount of my labour, and forgive me all my sins O God of all, so that with pure heart, fearful thought, and lamenting soul, I will receive communion of your most pure and undefiled mysteries, by which anyone who eats and drinks with pure heart is made alive and deified. For you said O my Sovereign, anyone who eats my flesh, and drinks my blood, abides in me. And I also abide[4] in him, any word of my Sovereign and God is true. And having partaken in the Divine, and making-God graces. I am not alone, but with you O my Christ three-sun Light. So that I do not remain alone without[5] you O Giver of life my breath, my life, my joy, salvation of the world. This is why I have approached you, as you see, with tears and lamenting heart, asking to accept me and deliver me from my sins. And to receive the communion of your life-giving and viceless mysteries uncondemned. So that you remain with me the miserable one, as you said. So that the deceiver, having found me outside of[6] your grace, would not kidnap me by deception, and having decepted lead me away from your God-making words. This is why I fall before you, and cry out to you warmly, like you accepted the prodigal son, and the fornicatress who came to you, in the same way accept me, prodigal and defiled O Generous One, who comes to you now with the lamenting soul. I know O Saviour, that no one has sinned before you, like I. Nor has done a deed, like I did. But I also know, that neither the greatness of transgressions, not the multitude of sins surpass the great love of humankind of my God, but by your great mercy you purify and enlighten those who repent warmly, and make them partakers of the light. And what is strange to both angels’ and human thoughts. You converse with them often, as with your close friends. This makes me bold, this gives me wings O my Christ. And I hope by your rich graces to us. I rejoice and at the same time tremble, I receive the communion of fire, being grass. A strange miracle, I am now watered and do not burn up. Like the bush in the ancient times was burning and did not burn up. Now with grateful mind, grateful heart, grateful members of my soul and body, I worship and exalt, and glorify you O my Christ, who are blessed, now and in the ages to ages, amen.

Prayer to the Most Pure Mother of God, of German Patriarch of Constantine’s City.

I have enjoyed a lot of great gifts, from God who created me. But I, full of passions and ungrateful, showed myself forgetful about all these, I joined cattle lacking reason, and became like it. I am poor in virtues, rich in passions. I am full with shame, estranged from Divine boldness, condemned by God, lamented by angels, abused and mocked by demons, denounced by conscience, dead before death, condemned before that judgement, tortured before endless torments, oppressed by despair. And now I flee only to your warm intercession O Lady, the one whose debt is tens of thousands of talents, I have not saved the possession but spent it with fornicatresses. Lady have mercy on me, the one who fornicated more than the fornicatress, was lawless more than Menashe, was unmerciful more than the rich one, a slave to vile things. The one who accepts knavish thoughts. The container hiding abominable thoughts. Estranged from all good deeds. Have mercy on my humility, be generous to my infirmity, you have great audacity before God who was born from you, like no one else, for you can do everything as the mother to God, you are strong in everything, as the ruler of creatures. Nothing is impossible for you, if you wish, just do not despise my tears. Let not my sigh be abominable to you. Do not reject the pains of my heart, but through your motherly prayers, that convince the benevolence, make me, your miserable and unworthy slave, worthy to receive the initial beauty, and remove the ugliness of passions. To free from sin, to become a slave of righteousness, to take off the lusts of pleasures of flesh, to put on the holiness of the purity of soul, to die to the world, to live for virtue. Accompany me going the way. Travel with me sailing the sea, always defeating from above the demons attacking me. Strengthening me when I am awake, relieving me when I sleep. Rising me when I am faint-hearted, healing me when I am sick. Delivering me when I am wronged, not letting me be accused when I am slandered. When I am in the calamity of death, coming to my help fast. And showing me always fearful to my visible and invisible enemies. So that all who persecute me unrighteously would understand whose slave I am; O Most Good Sovereigness, hear my miserable prayers, and do not put me to shame from my hope, O Hope of all of all ends of the earth, quench the boiling of my flesh, and the tempest which goes wild in my soul. Tame the untimely rage. Exterminate rowdiness and unruliness, of my vain youth from my mind. Drive away night dreams of knavish spirits, and attacks of day impure thoughts, from my heart. Teach my tongue to speak useful things. Teach my eyes to diligently watch the righteous paths of righteousness. Make my feet to go without stumbling, by the  blessed way of the commandments of God. Sanctify my hands and make them proper, so that they are raised to the Most High worthily. Purify my mouth, so that I call upon the Father the fearful and Most Holy God with boldness. Open my hearing, so that I hear with senses and reason the words of the Holy Scriptures, that are sweeter than honeycombs and honey, to follow them being strengthened by you. Give me time for repentance, and the conversion of my thoughts. Free me from sudden death. Renew me condemned by conscience. Stand by me at the end. At the separation of my soul from the body which is full of passions, relieving that unendurable need, taking away those ineffable pains, comforting from those uncomfortable oppressions, freeing from dark demons, saying bitter words against me, delivering from the aerial toll houses, and dark principalities. Tearing off the records of my many sins, settling me with God. And honouring me with blissful standing on his right hand in the fearful judgement, delivering from eternal and unbearable torments, and making me heir of the eternal and incorruptible goods. I bring you this boldness, O Lady Mother of God, light of my darkened eyes, consolation of my soul, my hope and helper with God, to whom, always being kindly with you, pray, and purify me from all defilement, of body and soul. And honour me in the present age to receive communion worthily, of the most holy and most pure body and blood, of your Son and my God, and in the future age to enjoy the sweet heavenly supper, and the food of paradise, where there is the dwelling place for all who rejoice, let him honour me to receive these – the one who glorifies the magnificent name of your Son and God, together with his beginningless Father, and his Most Holy and Good and Making-alive Spirit, now and ever and in the ages to ages, amen.

Then, The Confession of the Orthodox Faith.

I believe in One God. Also, Kontakion, Voice, 6.

Son of God, accept me today as a partaker, of your Mysterious Supper. For I will not report your mystery to your enemies, nor give you a kiss like Judas, but like a robber, confessing call to you, remember about me O Lord in your kingdom. When you approach the Divine Mysteries, say this.

I am approaching the Divine communion, O Sovereign, do not scorch me when I receive it, but purify me from all defilement, for you said, that it is fire, scorching the unworthy. Here Christ lies before us as food for all, and it is good for me to stick to God, and put the trust of my salvation upon the Lord, amen.

Then, if you will, say also this, thrice, approaching in the mind, denouncing your conscience.

Seeing the God-making blood, O human be horrified, for it is a coal, scorching the unworthy. God’s flesh divinizes me and nourishes. It divinizes the spirit, and nourishes the mind in a strange and wondrous way. Be horrified of human, are you unworthy? For it is fire, scorching sins. But O Lord purify me of all defilement.

Then lay your hands on your chest crosswise, and receive the communion of the body and blood of the Crucified with fear.

And when you receive the most precious communion, the making-alive and mysterious gifts, sing again and thank greatly. And say this to God warmly from your soul.

Prayer, 1. Of saint great Basil, after the holy communion.

I thank you O Lord my God, that you have not rejected me a sinner, but honoured me to be a partaker of your holiness. I thank you, that you honoured me unworthy to receive the communion of you most pure heavenly gifts. But O Sovereign who loves the humankind, who died and raised for us, and gave us these fearful and making-alive mysteries. Let these be for me into healing of soul and body, into driving away of all adversaries, into enlightenment of the eyes of my heart, into humility of the powers of my soul, into faith that cannot be put to shame, into unhypocritical love, into fullness of wisdom, into keeping your commandments, into adding of your Divine grace , and appropriating of your kingdom. So that being protected by your holiness by them, I always remember your grace. And not live for myself anymore, but for you our Sovereign and Benefactor. And in this way having passed from this life, in the hope of eternal life I reach the everlasting rest, where there is the endless voice of those celebrating, and unending pleasure, of those who see the ineffable beauty of your face. For you are the true wish, and the ineffable joy of those who love you O Christ our God. And all creation glorifies you for ever, amen.

Prayer 2, of saint John Chrysostom.

I thank you O Lord loving the humankind, that for the sake of your great goodness, you have tolerated me to be a partaker, of your most pure body, and honourable blood, and have not shunned me as a defiled one, nor as unworthy to receive your holy mysteries, have not driven me away me by the unseen Divine power. But were benevolent to me a sinner, to feed me with your immortal meal. Preserve this making-alive grace unchangeable and inalienable in my humble soul. And make your enlightenment unquenchable from me. Illuminating all my understanding, and all senses. Keeping me untouchable, and unstumbling from the dark sin, to glorify and thank you always. And walk in your wish, in all days of my life, by the prayers of the our Most Holy Lady Mother of God and Ever Virgin Mary, and your fleshless servants, and all saint, who have pleased you from the beginning of age, amen.

Prayer 3, of saint John Chrysostom.

Sovereign Christ God, King of ages and Maker of all, I thank you for everything good, that you have given me, and for the communion of your most pure and making-alive mysteries. I pray to you O the Good One who love the mankind, keep me under the cover of your wings, and give me in pure conscience until my last breath, worthily receive communion of your making-holy mysteries, into forgiveness of sins, and eternal life. For you are the bread of life, and the source of holiness, and the giver of goods. And we send up the glory to you, together with your beginningless Father and the Most Holy and Good and Making-alive Spirit, now and ever and in the ages to ages, amen.

Prayer, 4. Of saint John Chrysostom.

Christ God, having been honoured to become a partaker of your most pure body, and honourable blood in a mysterious way, O sing and bless, worship and glorify, and praise your salvations O Lord, now and ever, and in the ages to ages, amen.

Prayer, 5. Of saint John Damascene.

God my God, irresistible and unseen Fire. Who makes scorching fire his angels. Who by your ineffable love, granted me your Divine flesh for food, having accepted me as a partaker of your Divinity, for the sake of receiving the communion of your most pure body, and your honourable blood, enter into my whole body and spirit, in all my bones and brains, burning my sins, enlightening my soul, clearing my mind, sanctifying my body, and making your dwelling place in me with your blessed Father, so that I also be in you for ever, by the prayers of your Most Holy Mother, and all your saints, amen.

Prayer, 6. Of saint Cyril of Alexandria.

 Let your holy body O Lord Jesus Christ my God, be for me into life and sanctification. And your honourable blood, into forgiveness of sins, and into eternal life. And at your holy judgement place me at your right hand. Let this thanksgiving be for me into joy, and health, and healing of soul and body. For you are blessed for ever, amen.

Prayer, 7. Of saint Simeon Metaphrastes.

O the One who have willingly given me your flesh, who are the Fire scorching the unworthy. Do not scorch me O my Maker, but rather enter into my members effectively, and into all joints, into belly and heart, burning the thorns of all my transgressions. Purify my soul, and sanctify all thoughts. Strengthen my thoughts together with bones, enlighten the simple five of my senses. Nail me all to your fear. Always protecting and defending me, and preserving me from all soul-corrupting deeds and words. Purify, wash and enlighten me, correct and instruct me, show me the dwelling place of your One Spirit, so that I am not a dwelling place for sin anymore, so that by entering of the communion the Spirit, like fire will burn in me as in your temple all evil deeds, and all passion that is in me. I bring all saint to pray to you for me. The ranks of the fleshless ones, and your Forerunner, and wise apostles, and together with them your Most Pure Mother. Accept their prayers O merciful Christ my God, and show me a son of your light, and your servant. For you are the sanctification O the Only One, for our souls, and light. And we all send you up the glory properly as to the God and Sovereign, in all days of our life, now and ever and in the ages to ages, amen.

Prayer 8, to the Most Holy Mother of God.

Most Holy Lady Mother of God, light of my darkened soul, my hope and protection, refuge and comfort, and gladness, I thank you, that you have honoured me, unworthy one, to be a partaker of the most pure body, and honourable blood of your Son. But O the One who gave birth to the true Light, enlighten my eyes of mind and heart, the one who gave birth to the source of immortality, make me, murdered by sin, alive, O Mother of the merciful God, full of love and goodness, have mercy on me, and give me mourning, and lamentation in my heart, and humility in my thoughts, and deliverance from captivating thoughts. And honour me until the last breath, to receive the sanctification of the most pure mysteries uncondemned, into healing of soul and body. And grant me O Lady the tears of repentance and confession, to sing and glorify you, in all days of my life. For you are blessed and most glorious for ever, amen.

Prayer 9, of saint German to the Most Holy Mother of God.

O Most Blessed Lady Virgin Sovereigness Mother of God, entreat your Son for us to be delivered from all evil. For by you O Lady we have known the Son of God. And have been honoured to be partakers of the honourable and most pure blood and flesh, hoping to reach the eternal life by your prayers, glorifying the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and in the ages to ages, amen.

Prayer 10, after the Holy Communion.

O Living Lord, I thank you with trembling. For being fire by nature, you do not scorch, but nourish. Go through my members effectively, and into all joints, into belly and heart. Purify, wash all defilement, purifying all five senses. Also, It is right. 3 holies and up until Our Father. Troparia, and kontakia. To the present day. And to the one whose monastery it is. Glory, and now, kontakion.

Son of God, accept me today as a partaker, of your Mysterious Supper. For I will not report your mystery to your enemies, nor give you a kiss like Judas, but like a robber, confessing call to you, remember about me O Lord in your kingdom. Lord have mercy, 12. Priest says. Glory to you our God, our Hope, glory to you. Glory, now. Lord have mercy, twice, Lord bless. And he says dismissal in the following way.

Christ our true God, by the prayers of your Most Pure Mother, and our holy fathers who are in the saints, Basil the Great, and John Chrysostom, and Cyril archbishop of Alexandria, and Sophronius patriarch of Jerusalem, and German patriarch of Tsargrad. And our venerable and God-bearing fathers, John Damascene, and Simeon the New Theologian, and our venerable mother Mary the Egyptian, and our venerable father Onuphrius the Great, and all saints will have mercy and save us, as the Good One who loves the humankind. Also. Lord have mercy, thrice.

Sequence for the Holy Communion (download the file) →

[1] Or: Lots of lots.

[2] Or: needing.                                      

[3] Or: bribery.

[4] In the text: receive.

[5] Or: outside of.

[6] Or: without.