Midnight Service for Weekdays | Russian Oldbeliever Church

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The Russian Orthodox Old Believer Church

The official website of the Moscow Metropolitanate.

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Midnight Service for Weekdays

The beginning of the Midnight Service which is sung in all days. Paraeklisiarch takes the blessing of the rector, and rings the bell, and beats the board, and when the people have gathered in the church, the priest begins. Blessed is our God, now and ever and on the ages to ages. Psalmist, says, amen. Glory to you our God. If a monk is on his own in a cell, he will make the beginning according to the custom. God, be merciful to me a sinner, with bows. Then, It is right. And the rest according to the order. Then, he says with affection and contrition of the heart. For the prayers of our holy fathers, Lord Jesus Christ Son of God have mercy on me a sinner. Amen. This verse is also said in any beginning, if there is no priest. Then, Glory to you our God, glory to you, for everything, thrice. Then having kept silent for a little, until all his feelings are calmed down, and then he makes three earth-low bows, saying this prayer, of great Macarius: God purify me a sinner, for I have done nothing good before you, but deliver me from the knavish one, and let your will be in me, so that I open my unworthy mouth uncondemned, and praise your holy name, of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and in the ages to ages, amen.

Then. King of heavens, Comforter, true Spirit, who is everywhere, and fills everything, treasure of good things, and ruler of life, come and settle in us, and purify us from all contamination, and save, O Good One, our souls.

Holy God, Holy Mighty, Holy Immortal have mercy on us. Thrice. And 3 bows.

Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and in the ages to ages, amen. Most holy Trinity have mercy on us. O Lord, purify us from sins. O Sovereign, forgive our iniquities. O Holy One, visit and heal our weakness for the sake of your name.

Lord have mercy. Thrice. Glory, now.

Our Father, who are in heavens, let your name be glorified, let your kingdom come, let your wish come true as in heavens – so on earth. Give us today our bread for tomorrow, and forgive[1] us our debts, as we also forgive our debtors. And do not lead us into temptation, but help us avoid the knavish one.

Then, the priest, For yours is the kingdom.

Amen. Lord have mercy, 12.

After these, the Prayer.

Having risen from sleep, I thank you O Most Holy Trinity, because for the sake of your great goodness and long patience you have not became angry at me, your sinful and lazy slave, and have not destroyed me with my iniquities, but have showed your love of humankind, and rose me up, who was lying outside of hope, to celebrate the morning and glorify your invincible power. And now O Master Most Holy God, enlighten the eyes of my heart, and open my mouth to meditate on your words, and understand your commandments, and do your will, and sing to you in the confession of the heart, to sing praises and glorify your most honourable and magnificent name, of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and in the ages to ages, amen.

Come let us bow to the king our God. Bow. Come let us bow to Christ our king and God. Bow. Come let us bow and fall down before the very Lord Jesus Christ our king and God. Bow.

Then, psalm, 50.

God, be merciful to me because of your great mercy. Because of your great generosity, cleanse me from iniquity. Above all, wash me from my iniquity and cleanse me from my sin. For I am aware of my iniquity, and my sin is always before me. I have sinned against you, the One, I have acted unfairly before you. So that you are justified in your words, and you will win when you judge.[2] See, I am conceived in iniquity, my mother gave birth to me in sins. See, you have loved the truth. You have revealed to me unknown and secret things of your wisdom. You will sprinkle me with hyssop, and I will be cleansed, wash me, and I will become whiter than snow. Give gladness and joy to my hearing, the humble bones will rejoice. Turn away your face from my sins, and cleanse me from all iniquity. Create a pure heart in me, and renew the right spirit in my womb. Do not reject me from your face and do not bereave me of your Holy Spirit. Repay me with the gladness of your salvation, and strengthen me with the sovereign Spirit.  I will teach your ways to the lawless, and the ungodly will turn to you. Deliver me from the blood, God, God of my salvation: my tongue will rejoice about your fairness. Lord, open my mouth, and my mouth will proclaim your praise. For if you wanted a sacrifice, I would have given it: you do not favour a burnt offering. The sacrifice to God is the contrite spirit: you will not neglect a contrite and humble heart. Lord, do good to Zion, showing favour to it, and let the walls of Jerusalem be built up. Then you will favour the sacrifice of fairness, the offering that is raised up, and the burnt offering. Then they will place the calf upon your altar.

Then, Kathisma 17. Hallelujah, psalm 118.

Blessed are the faultless in the path, going in the law of the Lord.

Blessed are those who examine his testimonies: they will seek him with their whole heart.

For those who do not commit crime, went in his paths.

You commanded to keep your commandments precisely.

If only my paths were made straight, to keep what you prescribed concerning righteousness.[3]

Then I will not be put to shame, when I look upon all your commandments.

I will confess to you in the straightness of heart, when I learn your decisions concerning righteousness.

I will keep your prescriptions: do not leave me for too long.

How can a young one make his path straight, when keeping your words.

I have sought you with all my heart: do not drive me away from your commandments.

I hid your words in my heart, so that I do not sin before you.

Blessed are you, O Lord: learn me your prescriptions concerning righteousness.

By my mouth I have declared all your decisions of your mouth.

I have delighted in the path of your testimonies, as if being rich in everything.

I will spend my time in examining your commandments, and will understand your paths.

I will pay attention to your commandments: I will not forget your words.

Reward your slave, make me alive, and I will keep your words.

Open my eyes, and I will understand the miracles from you law.

I am a migrant on earth: do not hide away your commandments from me.

My soul has loved to crave for your decisions at all times.

You have interdicted the proud, those who deviate from your commandments.

Take away from me defamation and humiliation; for I have sought your testimonies.

For the princes sat down and slandered me.

But your slave spent time in examining your prescriptions.

For your testimonies draw my attention, and advices I follow are your prescriptions.

My soul glued down to the ground; make me alive according to your word.

I confessed my paths, and he heard me.

Teach me your prescriptions.

Let me understand the paths of your prescriptions; and I will spend time in examining your miracles.

My soul dozed off from despondency; strengthen it in your words.

Remove the path of unrighteousness from me; and have mercy on me by your law.

I elected the true path; and did not forget about your decisions.

I have glued to your testimonies, O Lord; do not put me to shame.

I ran along the path of your commandments, when you expanded my heart.

Lord, establish for me a law to follow the path of your prescriptions, and I will always seek it.

Instruct me, and I will explore your law, and keep it with all my heart.

Lead me onto the path of your commandments; for this is my wish.

Bend my heart into your testimonies, and not into love of gain.

Turn away my eyes to not see vanity; make me alive on your path.

Set your word for your slave as something to fear.

Remove my defamation that I observed: for your decisions are good.

Look, I have craved for your commandments: make me alive in your righteousness.

And let your mercy come upon me, your salvation according to your word.

And I will answer those who defame me a word: for I have trusted your words.

And never take away the word of truth from my mouth; for I have trusted your decisions.

And I will always keep your law, for ever and in the age of age.

And I walked in broad space: for I sought your commandments.

And I spoke about your testimonies before kings, and was not ashamed.

And I paid attention to your commandments, to which I have got great love.

And I raised my hands to your commandments, to which I have got love; and spent time in your prescriptions concerning righteousness.

Remember your words to your servant, the trust of which you have given me.

This comforted me in my humiliation: for your word made me alive.

The proud acted against the law a lot; but I did not deviate from your law.

I remembered your decisions from the beginning of age, and was comforted.

Sadness overtook me because of sinners who leave your law.

Your prescriptions were sung to me at the place of my migration.

I remembered at night your name, O Lord, and kept your law.

It happened to me because I sought your decisions.

You are my portion, O Lord: I said that I would keep your law.

I prayed to your face with all my heart: have mercy on me according to your word.

I thought about your ways, and returned my feet into your testimonies.

I prepared and was not confused to keep your commandments.

Ropes of sinners bound me up, and I did not forget your law.

I rose at midnight, to confess on the decisions of your righteousness.

I am partaker with all who fear you, and keep your commandments.

Earth is filled with your mercy, O Lord: teach me your decisions.

You have done good to your slave, O Lord, according to your word.

Teach me goodness, and knowledge, and reason: for I have trusted your commandments.

Before I was humbled, I sinned, this is why I kept your word.

You are good, O Lord; and by your goodness teach me your prescriptions.

The unrighteousness of the proud increased against me, and  will explore your commandments with all my heart.

Their heart curdled like milk, and I paid attention to your law.

It is good for me that you humbled me, so that I learn your prescriptions.

The law of your mouth is good for me, better than thousands of gold and silver.

Glory, now. Hallelujah hallelujah glory to you O God, thrice. Lord have mercy, thrice. Glory, now.

Your hands created me and formed me. Instruct me, and I will explore your commandments.

Those who fear you will see me and rejoice: for I trusted in your words.

I understood, O Lord, that your orders are righteousness, and you have humbled me truly.

Let your mercy be, let it comfort me, your slave, according to your word.

Let your generous gifts come to , and I will be alive: for your law is what I pay attention to.

Let the proud be put to shame; for they acted against me lawlessly and unrighteously.

And I will pay attention to your commandments.

Let those who fear you convert me, and those who know your testimonies.

Let my heart be viceless in your prescriptions concerning righteousness, so that I am not put to shame.

My soul disappears into your salvation: I have trusted in your word.

My eyes disappeared into your word, saying, when will you comfort me.

For I was like a leather bag with liquid in rime: I did not forget your prescriptions.

How many are the days of your slave? When will you judge between me and those who persecute me?

Transgressors of the law have shared their idle talks with me; but not like your law, O Lord.

All your commandments are truth. They have persecuted me in vain help me.

They have almost finished me on earth, and I have not left your commandments.

According to your mercy make me alive, and I will keep the testimonies of your mouth.

O Lord, your word remains in heaven for ever.

Your truth into generation and generation.

You founded the earth and it remains.

Day remains according to your command; for everything works for you.

For if not your law were the object of my attention, then I would perish in my humiliation.

I will never forget your prescriptions; for you made me alive in them.


I am yours, save me; for I have sought your prescriptions.

Sinners awaited for me to destroy me. I understood your testimonies.

Of all ends I saw the end, your commandment is very broad.

How much love I have got for your law, O Lord, I pay attention to it all day.

You made me wiser than my enemies by your commandment; for it is mine for ever.

I have got more understanding than those who teach me; for your testimonies are the object of my attention.

I have got more understanding than elders; for I have sought your commandments.

You banned my feet from all knavish paths, so that I keep your words.

I have not moved away from your decisions; for you gave me the law.

How sweet are your words for my throat, sweeter than honey for my mouth.

I have understood from your commandments, this is why I have got hate towards all paths of unrighteousness.

Your law is the lamp for my feet, and the light for my paths.

I have sworn and decided to keep the decisions of your righteousness.

I have been humbled greatly, O Lord: make me alive, according to your word.

Be favourably disposed toward what say out of free will, and teach me your decisions.

My soul is always in your hand; and I have not forgot your law.

Sinners set up a net for me, and I did not go astray from your commandments.

I inherited your testimonies for ever; for they are the gladness of my heart.

I converted my heart to follow your prescriptions for ever for reward.

I have hated transgressors of the law, and loved your law.

You are my helper and my defender; I have hoped in your words.

Avoid me, the knavish, and I will explore the commandments of my God.

Protect me according to your word and I will be alive; and do not put me to shame from my hope.

Help me and I will be saved; and I will always pay attention to your prescriptions.

You have humbled all who depart from your prescriptions; for their thought is unrighteous.

I consider transgressors all sinners of the earth, this is why I have loved your testimonies.

Nail my flesh from your fear; for I have feared your decisions.

I judged and did justice; do not give me over to those who harm me.

Receive your slave into goodness, so that the proud do not slander me.

My eyes have disappeared into your salvation, and into the word of your righteousness.

Deal with your slave according to your mercy, and teach me your decisions.

I am your slave; instruct me, and I will learn your testimonies.

It is time for the Lord to act: they have ruined your law.

This is why I have loved your commandments, more than gold and topaz.

This is why I have directed myself to all your commandments: I have hated all path of unrighteousness.

Your testimonies are marvellous: this is why my soul will explore them.

Manifestation of your words enlightens, and instructs an infant.

I have opened my mouth, and attracted the Spirit: for I desired your commandment.

Glory, now. Hallelujah hallelujah glory to you O God, thrice. Lord have mercy, thrice. Glory, now.

Look at me and have mercy on me, according to the judgment of those who love your name.

Direct my steps according to your word: and do not let any iniquity overpower me.

Deliver me from the slander of men, and I will keep your commandments.

Illuminate your slave by your face, and teach me your prescriptions.

My eyes shed streams of water, for I did not kept your law.

You are righteous, and your judgements are straight.

You strictly commanded righteousness your testimonies and truth.

The zeal of you melted me: for my enemies forgot your words.

Your word is kindled strongly; and your slave has loved it.

I am youth and humbled: I have not forgot your prescriptions.

Your righteousness is righteousness forever, and your law is truth.

Sorrows and needs found me, I attend to your commandments.

Your testimonies are righteousness for ever: instruct me and I will be alive.

I have called out with all my heart; hear me, O Lord: I will seek your prescriptions.

I have called out to you; save me, and I will keep your testimonies.

Very early in the darkness I called out: I trusted in your words.

My eyes hurried before the morning, to pay attention to your words.

Hear my voice, O Lord, make me alive according to your mercy and your decision.

Those who persecute me brought iniquity closer; they moved away from your law.

You are close, O Lord; and all your ways are truth.

From the beginning I learned from your testimonies, for you established them for ever.

See my humiliation and take me out; for I have not forgot your law.

Judge my case, and deliver me; make me alive according to your word.

Salvation is far from sinners: for they have not sought your prescriptions.

Your bounties are many, O Lord: make me alive according to your decision.

Those who drive me out and harm me are many, I have not deviate from your testimonies.

I saw those who do not understand, and melted; for they did not keep your words.

See that I have loved your commandments: make me alive according to your mercy.

The beginning of your words is the truth; and for ever all decisions of your righteousness.

Princes persecuted me in vain, and my heart was frightened from your words.

I will rejoice about your words, as the one who finds a lot of gain.

I have hated unrighteousness and it became abomination for me, and I have loved your law.

I praised you seven times a day, for the decisions of your righteousness.

Great peace is of those who love your law: and there is no temptation for them.

I have hoped for your salvation, O Lord, and have loved your commandments.

My soul has kept your testimonies, and loved them greatly.

I have kept your commandments, and your testimonies; for all my ways are before you, O Lord.

Let my prayer approach before you, O Lord; instruct me according to your word.

Let my request enter before you, O Lord; deliver me according to your word.

My mouth will pour out singing, when you teach me your prescriptions.

My tongue will proclaim your words; for all your commandments are righteousness.

Let you hand be saving me; for I have elected your commandments.

I have craved for your salvation, and I attend to your law.

My soul will be alive and will praise you; and your decisions will help me.

I have gone astray as a perished sheep. Seek your slave; for I have not forgotten your commandments.

Glory, now, without hallelujah.

Then, confession of the Orthodox faith of the first council.

I believe in one God Father ruler of all, creator to the heaven and the earth, everything visible and invisible. And in one Lord Jesus Christ the only-begotten Son of God, who was born of the Father before all ages. Light of light, true God, of true God, born and not created, of one essence with the Father, by whom everything came into being. Who came down from the heaven for the sake of us, men, and for our salvation, and incarnated from the Holy Spirit, and from Mary the virgin became one of men. Who was crucified for us in the times of Pontius Pilate, suffered and was buried, and rose from the dead on the third day according to the scriptures. Who ascended into the heavens, and sits on the right hand of the Father. And is coming again with glory, to judge the living and the dead, for whose kingdom there is no end.

Of the second council. And in the Holy Spirit, true and life-creating Lord, proceeding from the Father. Who is worshipped and glorified together with the Father and the Son, who spoke through the prophets. And in the one holy universal and apostolic church. I profess one baptism for the release from sins. I look forward to the resurrection for the dead, and the life of the future age, amen. 3 holies, and up until Our Father. These troparia, voice, 8. The bridegroom is coming in the midnight, and blessed is the slave, whom he will find awake. But unworthy is the one, whom he will find being lazy. Watch out, my soul, that you are not burdened with sleep, and not been put to death, and locked outside of the kingdom. But cheer up calling out, holy, holy, holy are you God, for the sake of the Mother of God have mercy on us. Glory. Thinking about that fearful day be awake, my soul, lighting a candle, and enlightening with oil. For you do not know when a voice comes to you saying, here is the bridegroom. Watch out my soul, that you do not doze, and remain outside knocking, as the five virgins, but stay awake cheerfully, so that you meet Christ merciful, and he will give you the palace of his Divine glory. Now. Having you, O Mother of God Virgin, as an indestructible wall and the foundation of salvation, we faithful pray, destroy the advices of the adversaries, and turn the sadness of your people into joy. Give peace to your world, and strengthen the Orthodox, and pray for the reconciliation of the world, for you, O Mother of God, are our hope. Lord have mercy, 40.

Then, prayer, of great Basil.

O God, good, having lots of patience and mercy, the one who is worshipped and glorified at all times, in every hour, in the heaven and on earth. The one who loves the righteous, and having mercy on sinners, who calls everyone to salvation, for the sake of the promise of the future good things, O Lord, accept our prayers in this hour yourself, and correct our life in goodness, to your commandments. Sanctify our souls, and purify bodies, correct thoughts, and purify ideas, make our minds chaste, and sober, and deliver us from all sorrow, evils and illnesses, and passions of the soul. And surround us by your holy angels, so that being guarded and directed by their army, we will reach into the unity of faith, and into the mind of your untouchable glory, for you are blessed for ever, amen.Then, Lord have mercy, thrice. Glory, and now, More honourable than the Cherubim and incomparably more glorious than the Seraphim, the one who was not affected by corruption and gave birth to God the Word, the true Mother of God – we glorify you. And a bow. By the name of the Lord bless, O father. Priest says. For the prayers of our holy fathers Lord Jesus Christ Son of God have mercy on us. The psalmist says, amen. If it is fasting, or outside of fasting, when we sing hallelujah. And then the priest says, God, be generous to us and bless us, illuminate us by your face, and have mercy on us. And we make three great bows. Saying in secret the prayer, of saint Ephrem. Lord, and Master of my life, drive away from me the spirit of despondency and negligence, love of money and idle talk. Bow. Grant to your slave the spirit of chastity, and humility, patience and love. Bow. O Lord King, grant me to see my transgressions, and not judge my brother, for you are blessed for ever, amen. Bow. And other bows, 12. Saying inside oneself. Lord Jesus Christ Son of God, have mercy on me a sinner. Bow. God, be merciful to me a sinner. Bow. God, purify my sins, and have mercy on me. Bow. The one who created me, have mercy. Bow. My sins are countless, O Lord, forgive me. Bow. And again having finished the bows, we say the prayer written above completely, Lord, and Master of my life. And one bow. And after saying the prayer, or after More honourable than the Cherubim. We say this prayer of great Basil.

 Sovereign God Father the All-Powerful, and Lord the only-begotten Son Jesus Christ, and Holy Spirit, one Divinity, and one Power, have mercy on me a sinner. And by decisions you know, save me your unworthy slave. For you are blessed for ever, amen. Then: Come let us bow, thrice.

And bows 3. Psalm 120.

I lifted my eyes into the mountains, from where my help will come. My help is from the Lord, who created heaven and earth. Do not give your foot into shaking, nor will the one who guards you doze. Look, the one who guards Israel, will neither doze nor fell asleep. The Lord will protect you, the Lord is your covering upon your right hand. Neither the sun will not burn you in the daytime, nor the moon in the night. The Lord will protect you from all evil: the Lord will protect your soul. The Lord shall protect your coming in, and going out from now and for ever.

Psalm 133.

Bless now the Lord all slaves of the Lord, those who stand in the temple of the Lord, in the yards of the house of our God. In the nights raise your into the holy, and bless the Lord. Lord will bless you from Zion, the one who created heaven and earth. Glory, now, 3 holies, and bows, three. Up until Our Father, these troparia. Remember O Lord, as the Good One, your slaves. And what they sinned in this life, forgive. For no one is without sin, only you who can give rest to those who passed away. The only Creator, who arranges everything by the depths of wisdom, loving all humans, and granting all that which is for their benefit. Give rest, O Lord, to the souls of your departed slaves. For they put your trust in you, our Creator, and Builder, and God. Glory. Christ give rest to the souls of your slaves, where there is no illness, no sadness, no sighing, but eternal life. Now, to the Mother of God. We all generations laud you O Mother of God Virgin. For uncontainable Christ our God deigned to fit into you. We are also blessed having you as a helper, for you pray for us day and night, and the powers of kingdom are strengthened by your prayers. Therefore thanking you we call out to you, rejoice, O gladdened one, the Lord is with you. Lord have mercy, 12. Then, this prayer.

 Remember, O Lord, our fathers and brothers, who departed in the hope of resurrection and eternal life, and all who passed away in the pious faith. And forgive them all transgressions, voluntary and involuntary, that they committed by word, and act, and thought. And settle them into places of light, places of cool, places of rest, from where all illness, and sadness, and sighing ran away, where the light of your face looks upon and gladdens all your saints from the beginning of age. And grant them your kingdom, and communion of your ineffable and eternal good. And the delight of your endless and blissful life. For you are the resurrection and life and rest, of your departed slaves, O Christ, our God. And we send you the glory, with your beginningless Father, and the Most Holy, and Good, and Making-alive Spirit, now, and ever, and in the ages to ages, amen. The priest says. Glory to you our God, our hope glory to you. Choir. Glory, now. Lord have mercy, twice. Lord bless. And dismissal, usual, and forgiveness. And let us pray for the strongest Orthodox tsar and great prince, name.

Written in the great Night Prayer, except for the last forgiveness which is after the Night Prayer. For the monks alone, dismissal, and instead ektenia, prayer.

O Lord who love the humankind forgive those who hate. Written in  the small Night Prayer.

[1] cancel

[2] В переводах с LΧΧ you are judged – в греч. пассивная форма глагола κρινεσθαι.

[3] Or: justice (here and below).

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