Midnight Service, which is sung on Saturdays | Russian Oldbeliever Church

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The Russian Orthodox Old Believer Church

The official website of the Moscow Metropolitanate.

Address: Russia, Moscow, Rogozhsky Poselok street, 1A, 5.
Phone: +7 (495) 361-51-91
e-mail: mmitropolia@gmail.com

Midnight Service, which is sung on Saturdays

Midnight Service, which is sung on Saturdays. The beginning is according to what was written before, as in the Midnight Service for Weekdays, after the 50th Psalm we say kathisma, 9. Psalm, 64.

Song is due to you in Zion, and prayer will be given to you in Jerusalem. Hear my prayer, all flesh will come to you. The words of the lawless overpowered us, and you will purify our impieties. Blessed is the one whom you chose, and accepted, and will settle into your yards. We will be filled in the good things of your house. Your church is holy marvellous in righteousness. Hear us, O God our Saviour, hope of all ends of the earth, and those who are far away in the sea. Preparing mountains by your might, girdled with power. Stirring the depths of the sea, who will stand the noise of his waves? Gentiles will be agitated, and those who live in the ends will be frightened from your signs. You will decorate the outgoings for morning and evening. You have visited the earth and watered it, you enriched it abundantly. God’s river has been filled with waters. You prepared food for them, for in this way is the preparation. Water her furrows, multiply her grain, she will be merry shining in her drops. You will bless the crown for the year of your goodness, and your fields will be filled with abundance. Beautiful deserts will swell, and hills will girdle themselves with gladness. The rams of the sheep have dressed up, and the valleys will multiply wheat. They will call out, for they will sing.         Psalm, 65.

Sing to the Lord the whole earth, sing to his name, give glory to his praise. Tell God, how fearful are your works, in the greatness of your power, your enemies will lie to you. All the earth will bow to you and sing to you, let it sing to your name, O Most High. Come and see the works of God, how fearful he is in councils more than the sons of men. Turning sea into dry land, in a river they will walk on foot. Here we will rejoice about him, who possesses the age with his power. His eyes look upon nations. Let those who anger not exalt in themselves. Bless, O nations, our God, and make the voice of his praise heard. Of the one who put my soul into life, and did not give my feet into shaking. For you have tested us, O God, heated us in the fire, like silver is heated. You led us into net, you put sorrows on our spine. We went through fire and water, and you brought us into rest. I will enter your house with whole burnt offering, I will repay you my prayers, which my lips uttered, and my mouth was saying in my sadness. I will raise to you fat whole burnt offerings with incense and rams, I will repay you bulls and goats. Come hear, and I will tell you all who fear God, what he did to my soul. I have called out to him with my mouth, and exalted under my tongue.[1] If I saw unrighteousness in my heart, let the Lord not hear me. This is why God heard me, gave heed to the voice of my supplication. Blessed is God, who did not leave my prayer unanswered, and did not remove his mercy from me.

Psalm, 66.

God be generous to us, and bless us, enlighten us by your face, and have mercy on us. To know your way on earth, your salvation in all nations. Let the people confess to you, O God, let all the people confess to you. Let the nations rejoice and be gladdened, for you judge people in righteousness, and you will instruct the nations on earth. Let the people confess to you, O God, let all the people confess to you. The earth gave its fruit. Bless us, O God, our God: bless us, O God, and let all ends of the earth fear him. Glory, now. Hallelujah hallelujah glory to you, O God, thrice. Lord have mercy, thrice. Glory, now.   

Psalm, 67.

Let God arise, and his enemies scatter, let those who hate him run away from his face. Let them disappear like smoke. Let sinners perish from the face of God, like wax melts from the face of fire. And let the righteous rejoice. They will be gladdened before God, they will take pleasure in joy. Sing to God, sing to his name, make way to the one, who ascended onto the sunset. His name is the Lord, and rejoice before him. They will shake from his face, of the father of orphans, and the judge of widows. God is in his holy place. God settles those of one mind into house. Lifting up those armoured in courage, as well as those angering living in tombs. O God, when you went out before your  people, when you passed by in the desert, the earth shook. For the heavens fell with rain from the face of the God of Sinai, from the face of the God of Israel. Appoint voluntary rain, O God, for your possession, it got weak, and you perfected it. Your living beings live on it, you prepared by your goodness for a poor, O God. The Lord will give the word to those who proclaim good news of great power. The king of powers of the beloved one, by the beauty of the house to divide the spoil. If you sleep between borders. Silvered wings of dove, and her bask between shoulders in the brilliance of gold. When the heavenly one divided kings upon it, they will be covered with snow in Selmon. God’s mountain, fat mountain. Curdled mountain, fat mountain. Why do you envy curdled mountains? The mountain which God favoured to live in it. For the Lord will settle till the end, the chariot of the Lord by tens of thousands of tens of thousands, a thousand of thriving ones. The Lord is in them in Sinai’s in the holy. You have ascended on high, you have captured the captivity, you have accepted gifts in people, so that even in disobedient you may settle. The Lord God is blessed, blessed is the Lord day by day. The Lord of our salvations will assist us. Our God is the God to save. And the exits of death are the Lord’s the Lord’s. However God will crush the heads of his enemies. The top of hairs of those moving around in their transgressions. The Lord said: I will bring back from Basan, I will bring back in the depths of sea. So that your foot is dipped in blood, the tongue of your dogs – of his enemies. You processions were seen, movement of God my King that is in the holy. The princes walked ahead near the singers, amidst the virgins playing tambourines. In churches bless God, the Lords from the springs of Israel. There is Benjamin the youth in awe. The princes of Judah their sovereigns, the princes of Zebulun, the princes of Naphtali. O God, command your power, strengthen, O God, that, which you accomplished in us. From your church, into Jerusalem the kings will bring you gifts. Forbid the beasts of the reed, the gathering of calves in heifers of peoples, to close those tested by silver, destroy peoples who want wars. Those who pray will come from Egypt. Ethiopia, her hand will be the first to God. Kingdoms of earth sing to God, start singing to the Lord, to the One who ascended to the heavenly heaven onto the sunrises. Here he will give his voice, the voice of power. Give glory to God. His great beauty is on Israel, and his power on the clouds. Marvellous id God in his saints, the God of Israel. He will give power and might to his people blessed is God. Glory, now, hallelujah hallelujah glory to you God, thrice. Lord have mercy, thrice. Glory, now.

Psalm, 68.

Save me, O God, for the waters have come up to my soul. I am stuck in mire of depth, and there is no foothold. I came into the depths of the sea, and the storm drowned me. I grew weary of calling, my throat lost the ability to speak, my eyes disappeared, while I was hoping for my God. Those who hate me in vain, have multiplied more than hairs of my head. My enemies have strengthened, those who drive me away without righteousness. Then I had to give back that which I had not stolen. God, you have got to know my madness, and my transgressions have not been kept a secret from you. Let neither those who wait for you patiently be put to shame because of me, O Lord, Lord of powers, nor those who seek you, O God of Israel, be disgraced because of me. For I experienced vilification because of you, shame has covered my face. I was estranged from my brothers, and a stranger for the sons of my mother. For the zeal of your house ate me up, and vilification of those who vilify you, fell on me. And I covered my soul with fasting, and that became a reason for them to vilify me. And I made sackcloth my clothing, and was into a parable for them. Those sitting in the gates made fun of me, and those drinking wine sang about me. And I by my prayer to you, O God, time of benevolence. God in your great mercy hear me, in the truth of your salvation. Save me from the mire so that I do not get stuck, deliver me from those who hate me, and from the deep waters. Let neither the storm of water drown me,  nor the depth devour me, nor the well close its mouth around me. Hear me, O Lord, for your mercy is good, look upon me according to your great generosity. Do not turn your face away from your slave, for I sorrow, hear me soon. Pay attention to my soul, and deliver it. For the sake of my enemies, deliver me. For you know my vilification, and my shame, and my disgrace, all those who harm me are before you. My soul expected vilification and suffering. And I waited for someone to sorrow with me, and there was none, and for comforters, and did not find them. And they gave me gall for food, and when I was thirsty gave me vinegar to drink. Let their dining table be into a net before them, and the repayment, and stumbling. Let their eyes be darkened, so that they do not see, and bend their spine completely. Pour your anger upon them, and let the rage of your anger seize them. Let their yard be empty, and there will be no living in their dwellings. For they persecuted the one you stroke, and added to the pain of my wounds. Add iniquity to their iniquity, and let them not enter into your righteousness. Let them be erased from the books of the living, and not be written together with the righteous. I am poor and in pain, your salvation O God has accepted me. I will praise the name of my God with a song, I will laud him in praise. And it will be more pleasing to God, than a young calf, whose hooves and horns start to grow. Let the poor see, and rejoice. Seek God, and your soul will be alive. For the Lord has heard the poor, and will not humble his shackled ones. Let the heavens and the earth praise him, as well as the sea, and all who live in it. For God will save Zion, and the towns of Judaea will be built, and they will settle there and inherit it. And the seed of your slaves will hold it, and those who love your name, will settle in it.

Psalm, 69.

God, pay attention to helping me, O Lord, strive to help me. Let those who look for my soul be put to shame and disgrace. Let those who think evil for me, return back and be put to shame. Let them return immediately in shame, those who say to me good good. Let all those who seek you, O God, be gladdened and rejoice, and always say. Let the Lord be exalted those who love your salvation. I am poor and destitute, O God, help me. You are my helper and my deliverer, O Lord, do not tarry. Glory, now, without hallelujah. Then: I believe in one God. Then, 3 holies. And up until Our Father. These troparia: voice, 2. Uncreated nature, creator of all, open our lips, so that we will declare your praise crying out: holy, holy, holy are you God, for the sake of the Mother of God have mercy on us. Glory. Being likened to the high powers, we, earthly ones, bring you, O Good One, the victorious song, crying out, holy, holy, holy are you God, by the prayers of all your saints have mercy on us. Now. You have raised me from bed and sleep, enlighten my mind and heart, and open my mouth, to sing you Holy Trinity, holy, holy, holy are you God, by the prayers of the Mother of God have mercy on us. Then, Lord have mercy, 40. And the rest according to the order, as is written in the first Midnight Service.

[1] Rashi: His exaltation is ready under my tongue to be let out of my mouth, as (Job 20:12): “though he hide it under his tongue.”

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