The Great Night Prayer | Russian Oldbeliever Church

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The Russian Orthodox Old Believer Church

The official website of the Moscow Metropolitanate.

Address: Russia, Moscow, Rogozhsky Poselok street, 1A, 5.
Phone: +7 (495) 361-51-91

The Great Night Prayer

The beginning of the great Night Prayer, which is sung during the Great Lent, and the Fast of holy apostles. And the Fast of the Holy Mother of God, and the Nativity Fast, when there is hallelujah, with bows. The priest blesses and we say, amen.

King of heavens, Comforter, true Spirit, who is everywhere, and fills everything, treasure of good things, and ruler of life, come and settle in us, and purify us from all contamination, and save, O Good One, our souls. Holy God, Holy Mighty, Holy Immortal have mercy on us. Thrice. And bows, 3. Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and in the ages to ages, amen. Most holy Trinity have mercy on us. O Lord, purify us from sins. O Sovereign, forgive our iniquities. O Holy One, visit and heal our weakness for the sake of your name. Then, Lord have mercy. Thrice. Glory, now. Our Father, who are in heavens, let your name be glorified, let your kingdom come, let your wish come true as in heavens – so on earth. Give us today our bread for tomorrow, and forgive[1] us our debts, as we also forgive our debtors. And do not lead us into temptation, but help us avoid the knavish one. Then, the priest, For yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory, of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and in the ages to ages. Then, Amen. Lord have mercy, 12. Glory, now. Come let us bow to the king our God. Come let us bow to Christ our king and God. Come let us bow and fall down before the very Lord Jesus Christ our king and God. And bows, 3. If it is the first week of the Great Lent, we say, Psalm, 69.

Then, the Canon of Andreas Caesariensis. After the Canon, we say, Psalm, 4. When I called. If it is outside the first week of the Great Lent, after Come let us bow, we say these psalms.

When I called

Psalm, 6.

Psalm, 12.

Glory, now. Hallelujah hallelujah glory to you God, thrice. And bows, 3. Lord have mercy, thrice. Glory, now. Psalm, 24.

I have raised my soul to you, O my God, I have trusted in you, so that I will not be put to shame for ever. That my enemies would not laugh at me, for all who patiently wait for you will not be put to shame. Let those who commit iniquity in vain be put to shame. Tell me your ways, and teach me your paths. Instruct me in your truth, and teach me, for you are God my Saviour, and I waited patiently for you the whole day. Remember your generosities, O Lord, and your mercies, for they are from the beginning of age. Do not remember the sins of my youth, and my ignorance. According to your mercy remember me, for the sake of your goodness. The Lord is good and righteous, this is why he will set the law for those who sin on the way. He will instruct the meek onto the judgement, he will teach the meek his ways. All Lord’s ways are mercy and truth, for those who seek his covenant and his testimony. For the sake of your name, O Lord, and purify my sin, for it is great. Who is a man fearing God? He will set the law for him on the way that he has willed. His soul will settle in good places, and his seed will inherit the earth. The Lord is the might for those who fear him, and his covenant will manifest to them. My eyes are always to God, for he will remove my feet from the net. Look upon me and have mercy on me, for I am an only-begotten and poor. Sorrows of my heart have multiplied, and lead me out of my troubles. See my humility and my labour, and forgive all my sins. See my enemies how many they became, and hated me with unrighteous hatred. Protect my souls and deliver me, so that I am not put to shame for I have hoped in you. The gentle and righteous stuck to me, for I patiently waited for you, O Lord. God deliver Israel from all his sorrows.       Psalm, 30.

I have hoped in you, so that I will not be put to shame for ever. Deliver me with your righteousness, and rescue me. Incline your ear to me hurry to rescue me. Be for me God defender, and house of refuge to save me. For you are my might and my refuge. For the sake of your name instruct me, and feed me. You will rescue me from this net, that they hid for me, for you are my defender, O Lord. I give my spirit over into your hands, you have delivered me, O God of truth. You have hated all who keep empty vanities, and I have trusted in the Lord. I will be gladdened and rejoice about your mercy, for you have looked upon my humility. You have saved my soul from troubles. And you have not locked my up in the hands of the enemies. You have put my feet in spaciousness. Have mercy on me, for I sorrow. My eye is disturbed from rage, my soul and my stomach. For my life has vanished in pain, and my years in sighs. My strength has been exhausted by poverty, and my bones have been troubled. I was vilified by all my enemies, and a lot from my neighbours, and my acquaintances were afraid of me. Those who saw me ran away from me, I was forgotten as a dead from heart. I was like a broken vessel, for I heard reproach from many who lived around. When they gathered together upon me, they took counsel to take my soul. But I trusted in you, O Lord. I said, you are my God, in your hands is my lot. Deliver me from the hand of my enemies, and from those who persecute me. Illuminate your slave with your face, save me with your mercy. Lord, let me not be put to shame, for I have called upon you. Let the impious be put to shame, and descent into hell. Let the deceitful lips be dumb, which say iniquity against the righteous, by arrogance and humiliation. What a great abundance of your mercy, O Lord, you have hidden for those who fear you. You have made for those who trust in you, before the sons of man. You will hide them in the mystery of your face, from the upheaval of men. You will cover them in a hidden place from the controversy of gentiles. Blessed is the Lord, for he showed his mercy miraculous in the city of siege. And I said in my perturbation, I am rejected from the face of your eyes. This is why you heard the voice of my prayer, when I called out to you. Love the Lord all his pious ones, for the Lord demands truth, and repays those who commit great arrogance. Take courage and let your heart be strengthened, all who trust in the Lord.                                              Psalm, 90.

The one who lives in the help of the Most High, will settle in the shelter of the heavenly God. He will say to the Lord, you are my protector, and my refuge, my God, and I trust in him. For he will deliver you from the net of a hunter, and from the word of upheaval. He will overshadow you by your shoulders, and you hope under his wings. His truth, the weapon, will surround you, you will not be afraid of the night fear, of an arrow flying in the daytime. Of a thing moving in the darkness, of misfortune and the demon of the noon. A thousand will fall by your side, and ten thousand on your right hand, but it will not approach you. However you watch with your eyes, and will see the repayment of sinners. For you  O Lord, are my trust, you have placed the Most High as your refuge. Evil will not come to you, and a wound will not approach your body. For he will command his angels to protect you on all your ways. They will lift and carry you in their hands, so that you do not stumble your foot against a stone. You will tread upon poisonous snakes and trample down lion and dragon. For he trusted in me, and I will deliver him, I will cover him, for he has known my name. He will call upon me, and I will hear him. I am with him in sorrow, I will rescue him, and glorify him. I will fill him with the length of days and manifest to him my salvation.

Then, glory, now, hallelujah hallelujah glory to you, O God, thrice. And bows, three. Lord have mercy, thrice. Glory, now. Then, the song of holy prophet Isaiah. God is with us, understand, gentiles, and submit, for God is with us. Hear it to the ends of the earth, for God is with us. You powerful, submit, for God is with us. For if you prevail again, you will be defeated again, for God is with us. And whatever counsel you take among themselves, the Lord will destroy it, for God is with us. And whatever word you will speak, is not to remain in you, for God is with us.  As for the fear of you, I will not fear it, nor be seduced, for God is with you. As for the Lord our God, sanctify him, and it will be for us to fear, for God is with us. And whoever you are, if you hope in him, he will be for you into sanctification, for God is with us. And we will trust in him, and will be saved for his sake, for God is with us. Here and I and the children, whom God have given me, for God is with us. People walking in darkness, saw great light, for God is with us. Those living in the country and shadow of death, light will shine upon you, for God is with us. For a boy has been born for us a son, and will be given to us, for God is with us. Whose authority has been on his shoulder, for God is with us. And there is no limit to his peace, for God is with us. And his name is called angel of the great council, for God is with us. Miraculous adviser, for God is with us. Strong God Sovereign Prince of humility, for God is with us. The Father of the future age, for God is with us. Glory. For God is with us. Now. For God is with us. Then, we say this verse, thrice. God is with us, understand, gentiles, and submit, for God is with us. Then, Having been through the day, I pray for evening and night: grant me placidity, O Saviour, and save me. Glory. Having gone out of the day I glorify you, O Sovereign, I pray for the evening and night: grant me lack of temptation, O Saviour, and save me. Now. Having gone through the day I praise you in songs, O Holy One, I pray for evening and night: preserve me without sin, O Saviour, and save me. Fleshless nature of the Cherubim, glorify you in unceasing songs. Six-winged living creatures Seraphim, exalt you with incessant voices. And angelic hosts, praise you with three-holy songs. For you are before everyone, O Father, and you have your co-beginningless Son, and carrying the equally honourable Spirit of life, manifesting the indivisible Trinity. O Most Holy Virgin Mother of God, and those who were eyewitnesses and servants to the Word, and assemblies of prophets and martyrs and other saints, having eternal life, pray diligently about all, for we all are in troubles. So that, having been delivered from the deception of the knavish one, we will sing the angelic song, holy holy holy, three-holy Lord have mercy and save us.

Confession of the Orthodox faith, of the first council.

Of the second council.

Then he says, starting the choir. O Most Holy Lady Sovereigness All-merciful, pray to God for us sinners. And we make a bow with podruchnik on each verse. And the other choir says the same verse. The first choir. All heavenly powers, holy angels and archangels, pray to God for us sinners. Holy great John the prophet and forerunner baptist of the Lord, pray to God for us sinners. Holy glorious apostles prophets and martyrs, and all saints, pray to God for us sinners. Our venerable and God-bearing fathers, shepherds and teachers of the universe, pray to God for us sinners.

Here name the saint, whose church it is.

Invincible and Divine power, of the honourable and making-alive Cross of the Lord, do not leave us sinners trusting in you. God be merciful to us sinners. When we reach this verse. God purify our sins, and have mercy on us. We say it, thrice. Then, 3 holies, and usual bows, 3. Up until Our Father. On Monday, and Wednesday evening, these troparia. Voice, 2. Illuminate my eyes O Christ God, so that I never sleep into death. Nor my enemy will say, I became stronger than he. Verse. Look upon and hear me O Lord my God. And again the same, troparion. Illuminate my eyes O Christ God, so that I never sleep into death. Nor my enemy will say I became stronger than he. Glory. Be the protector of my soul, O God, for I walk between many nets. Deliver me from them, and save me O Good One, for you love the humankind. Now, to the Mother of God. For we do not have daring, because of our many sins. But you petition the One born from you, O Mother of God Virgin. For the Mother’s prayer can do a lot, to entreat the Sovereign. Do not despise the supplications of sinners, O All-Pure One, for he is merciful and able to save, the one who deigned to suffer for us. Other troparia, on Tuesday. And on Thursday, evening, voice, 8. Change these both troparia every other day. Lord you know the non-sleeping of my unseen enemies, and the infirmity of my miserable flesh, O my Creator. Therefore I give over my spirit into your hands, cover me with the wings of your goodness, so that I will never sleep into death. And enlighten the eyes of my mind, by the delight of your Divine words. And raise me in due time, to glorify you, for you are the only God and the One who loves the humans. Verse. Look  upon and hear me, O Lord my God. How fearful is your judgement, O Lord, when angels stand before you, people are led into, books are opened, deeds are tested, thoughts are interrogated. What judgement will be for me conceived in sins? Who will quench the fire for me? Who will illuminate the darkness? If not you have mercy on me, O Good One, as the one who loves the humankind. Glory. Give me tears, O God, as  in ancient times to the sinful woman. And honour me to wet your feet/ That freed me from the deceitful way. And to bring you the fragrant myrrh, pure life, which is acquired for me by repentance. So that I also hear your good voice, your faith has saved you, go into peace. Now, to the Mother of God. Having your undefeated help I will be saved, and having acquired your defence I will not fear, but will drive away my enemies, and will defeat them, having put only one armour – your cover, and your almighty help. And praying I call out to you, Sovereigness save me by your supplications, and raise me from the dark sleep, to glorify you, by the power of Christ God who incarnated from you. Lord have mercy, 40. Glory, now. More honourable than the Cherubim. One bow. By the name of the Lord bless, O father. Priest, For the prayers of our holy fathers. Psalmist says, amen. Then, prayer, of Great Basil.

Lord Lord, deliver us from every arrow flying in the daytime. And deliver us from every thing coming in the darkness, accept the evening sacrifice raising of our hands. Honour us to pass the night distance without vice, not being tempted from the evil ones, and deliver us from all disturbance and fear, coming to us from the devil. Grant our souls affection, and our thoughts care, of the trial at your fearful and righteous judgement. Nail our flesh with your fear, and mortify our members which are on earth. So that by the silence of sleep, we will be illuminated by seeing your decisions. Remove from us all improper dreaming, and harmful lust. And raise us in the time of prayer, strengthened in faith, and prospering in your commandments, by benevolence and goodness, of your only-begotten Son. With whom you are blessed, with the Most Holy and Good and Making-alive Spirit, now and ever and in the ages to ages, amen. Then, Come let us bow, thrice. And bows, 3. Psalm, 50.

                                                               Psalm, 101.

Lord hear my prayer, and let my scream come to you. Do not turn your face from me. On the day when I sorrow, incline your ear to me, on the day, when I call upon you, hear me quickly. For my days have disappeared like smoke, and my bones have dried up like firewood. I was wounded like grass, and my heart has dried up, so that I forgot to eat my bread. From the voice of my groaning, my bone have stuck to my flesh. I became like a pelican in a desert, I was like a night raven in the ruins. I started to keep vigil, and was like a bird that sits alone on a roof. All day my enemies vilified me, and those who praise me swore by me. For I ate ash like bread, and mixed my drink with tears. From the face of your anger, and your fury. For having lifted me, you threw me down. My days moved aside like a shadow, and I have dried up like hay. And you  O Lord remain for ages, and your memory is into generation and generation. Having arisen, you will be generous towards Zion, for it is time to be generous t it, for the time has come. For your slaves have regarded with favour its stones, and will be generous to its dust. And the gentiles will become afraid of the name of the Lord, and all kings of the earth of your glory. For the Lord will build Zion, and appear in his glory. He has paid attention to the prayer of the wretched, and has not despised their supplication. Let them be written into another generation, and the people who are built will praise the Lord. For he has looked down from his holy height, the Lord has looked upon earth. To hear the groan of those who are chained, to unbind the sons of those who are killed. To proclaim the name of the Lord in Zion, and his praise in Jerusalem. When people have gathered together, and kings to work for the Lord.  He answered him on the way of his might, declare to me the diminishing of my days. Do not lead me up into the halving of my days, your years are into generation and generation. In the beginnings you, O Lord founded the earth, and the heavens are the works of your hands. They will perish, but you remain. And all will decay like a garment, and you will roll them up like clothes, and they will change. But you are the same, and your years will not run out. Sons of your slaves will settle in, and their seed will be set straight for ever.

Then, the prayer of Menashe king of the Jews.

Lord the All-Powerful, God of our fathers, of Abraham, and Isaac and Jacob, and their righteous seed. Who created the heaven and the earth with all their beauty, and curbed the sea with the word of your command. Who locked the abyss, and sealed it, with your fearful and glorious name. Of whom everyone is fearful, and tremble from the face of your glory. For no one can stand the great beauty of your glory, and the anger of your threat to sinners is unbearable. And the mercy of your promise is immeasurable and unsearchable. For you are the Lord Most High merciful, having great patience and great mercy, and repenting of the evils of men. But you, O Lord, according to your great goodness, have promised repentance and forgiveness to those who sinned before you. And by the multitude of your bounties you named repentance for sinners into salvation. Lord God of the righteous, you did not set repentance for your righteous ones, Abraham, and Isaac, and Jacob, who did not sin before you, but you set repentance for me a sinner, for I have sinned more than the number of the sand of the sea. My iniquities have multiplied, O Lord, they have multiplied, and I am not worthy to look up and see the height of heaven. From the multitude of my unrighteousness I am bound with a lot of iron shackles. So that I cannot raise my head, and there is no lifting up for me. For I have angered your fury, and have done knavish things before you. And have not fulfilled your will, nor kept your orders. And now I bend the knees of my heart, and beg the goodness which is from you. I have sinned, O Lord, I have sinned, and I know my iniquities. But I ask and pray you, console me, O Lord, console me, and do not ruin me with my iniquities. Nor for ever being at enmity with me you retain my evils, and do not condemn me in the underworld of earth. For you, O God are the God of the penitent, and manifest all your goodness also upon me, save me the unworthy one, according to your great mercy. And I will praise you always in all days of my life. For all heavenly powers sing praises to you, and yours is the glory for ever, amen. Then, 3 holies. Bows, 3. Up until Our Father. Exclamation, For yours is the kingdom. Then, amen. We say, these troparia, voice, 6. Have mercy on us, O Lord, have mercy, not expecting any answer, we bring you this prayer as to the Sovereign your sinful slaves. Have mercy on us, O Lord, have mercy. Glory. Lord have mercy in us, for we have trusted in you. Do not get very angry at us, nor remember our iniquities. But look upon us as a merciful one, and deliver us from our enemies. For you are our God, and we are your people, and we are all works of your hands, and we call upon your name. Now, to the Mother of God. Open us the doors of mercy, O blessed Mother of God Virgin, let not us, who rely on you, perish, but let us be delivered from troubles. For you are the salvation for the Christian race. Then, Lord have mercy, 40. Glory, now. More honourable than the Cherubim, bow. By the name of the Lord bless, O father. Priest, For the prayers of our holy fathers. Psalmist says, amen. Then, Prayer of Great Basil.

Sovereign God Father the All-Powerful, and Lord the Only-begotten Son Jesus Christ, and Holy Spirit, One Godhead, and One Power, have mercy on me a sinner. And by the decisions you know, save me your unworthy slave. For you are blessed for ever, amen. Thrn, Come let us bow, thrice. And bows, 3. If it is the first week, of the Great Lent, we say Psalm, 142. Lord hear my prayer. In the other weeks we say Psalm, 69.

Psalm, 142.  Then.

Three bows.

Glory to God in the highest, and peace on earth, benevolence in people. We praise you, bless you, worship you, glorify you, thank you for the sake of your great glory, O Lord Heavenly King, God Father the All-Powerful, and Lord the only-begotten Son Jesus Christ, and Holy Spirit. Lord God Lamb of God, Son of the Father. The One who took on himself the sins of the world, have mercy on us. The One who took on himself the sins of the world, accept our prayers. The one who sit on the right hand of the Father, have mercy on us. For you are the only Holy, you are the only Lord Jesus Christ, into the glory of God the Father, amen. We bless you every night, and will praise your name for ever, and in the age of age. Lord you became refuge for us, in generation and generation. I said, O Lord, have mercy on me, and heal my soul, for I have sinned to you. Lord, I have fled to you, teach me to do your will, for you are my God. For the source of life is from you. We will see light in your light. Extend your mercy for those who know in you. Honour us, O Lord, this night, to be preserved without sin. Blessed are you, O Lord, God of our fathers, and your name is praised and glorified for ever, amen. Lord, let your mercy be upon us, for we have trusted in you. Blessed are you, O Lord, teach us by your justification. Blessed are you, O Sovereign, instruct us by your justification. Blessed are you, O Holy, enlighten us by your justification. Lord, your mercy for ever, and do not despise the works of your hands. You are worthy of praise. You, are worthy of singing. You are worthy of glory Father and Son and Holy Spirit, now and ever and in the ages to ages, amen. If it is the first week of the Great Lent. We say. 3 holies, up until Our Father. The priest says the exclamation. For yours is the kingdom. The clerics say, amen. And sing the troparia. The Lord of powers is with us. In other weeks, and fasts, we sing. Canon to the Most Holy Mother of God, then, both choirs, having united sing. It is right. And a bow down to the ground. 3 holies. And up until Our Father. If it is the Great Lent, then the 1st choir starts. Troparion. Voice, 6. Lord of powers, be with us, for we do not know another helper in sorrow except for you. Lord of powers have mercy on us.And the other choir, sings the same verse. Lord of powers, be. Then the first choir sings. Praise God in his saints, praise him in the firmness of his powers. And again the second choir sings the troparion, Lord of powers be. And the rest of the verses are sung in the same way by the right choir. And the troparia are sung by the left choir. Verse, 2. Praise him in his powers, praise him according to his great majesty. Lord of powers. Verse, 3. Praise him in the sound of trumpet,[2] praise him in lyre and harp. Lord of powers. Verse, 4. Praise him in tambourine and dance, praise him in strings and flutes. Lord of powers. Verse, 5. Praise him in good-sounding cymbals, praise him in cymbals of exclamation. Let every breath praise the Lord. Lord of powers. Then, both choirs, having united together, sing this verse. Praise God in his saints, praise him in the firmness of his powers. Lord of powers. Glory, voice, 6. Lord, if we did not have your saints as the ones who pray for us, and your goodness having mercy on us, how could we dare O Saviour to sing praises to you, who is unceasingly glorified by angels. The One who knows hearts, spare our souls. Now. A great multitude of my transgressions, O Mother of God, I have fled to you, O Most Pure, demanding[3] salvation. Visit my ailing soul, and beg your son and our God, to grant me forgiveness, of what I did in an evil way, O Only Blessed One. O Holy-in-all Mother of God, in the time of my life do not leave me, and do not entrust me to the human help, but protect me and have mercy on me yourself. I put all my hope to you, Mother of God keep me under your own protection. And choirs make bows to each other according to the custom. Then, Lord have mercy, 40.

Then the prayer, of great Basil.

O God, good, having lots of patience and mercy, the one who is worshipped and glorified at all times, in every hour, in the heaven and on earth. The one who loves the righteous, and having mercy on sinners, who calls everyone to salvation, for the sake of the promise of the future good things, O Lord, accept our prayers in this hour yourself, and correct our life in goodness, to your commandments. Sanctify our souls, and purify bodies, correct thoughts, and purify ideas, make our minds chaste, and sober, and deliver us from all sorrow, evils and illnesses, and passions of the soul. And surround us by your holy angels, so that being guarded and directed by their army, we will reach into the unity of faith, and into the mind of your untouchable glory, for you are blessed for ever, amen.

Lord have mercy, thrice. Glory, now, More honourable than the Cherubim.

And bow. By the name of the Lord bless, O father.

Priest, God be generous to is and bless us.

And we make great bows with the prayer of saint Ephrem, as is indicated in the Evening Service. After these, the prayer to the Most Holy Mother of God, of great Basil.

O Most Holy Lady Bride of God, having no defilement, no temptation, no corruption, the one united God the Word to humans, by your most glorious birth. Who is the only hope for those who do not have hope, and helper to those who are defeated. Ready to intercede those who flee to you, refuge for all Christians, do not shun me, sinful and defiled. The one who made all of himself useless by defiled thoughts and words, acts and actions, and became a slave to the sweetness of despondency, and laziness in my character. But as the Mother of God who loves the humankind, and loving the humankind yourself,  have mercy on me sinner and fornicator, and accept my supplication, brought to you from a defiled mouth. And embracing your son and our Master and Lord by your motherly boldness, entreat to open his human-loving mercy of his goodness to me. So that despising my countless transgressions, he will turn me to repentance. And show me a skilful keeper of his commandments. Always stand for me, O Merciful and human-loving one, in this present life, warm intercessor and helper, dispelling the armies of the adversaries. And directing me to salvation. And in the time of my passage, guarding my wretched soul: and driving far away from her, the dark images of knavish demons. And in the dreadful day of the righteous trial, delivering me from eternal torment. And showing me a heir to the ineffable glory of your Son and our God. Let me receive it, O My Lady Most Holy Mother of God, through your intercession and protection, by the grace and love of humankind of your Son our Lord God and Saviour Jesus Christ. Who is worthy of all glory, honour and worship, with his beginningless Father, and the Most Holy and good and life-giving, Spirit, now and ever and in the ages to ages, amen. If it is the Great Lent, we say, 3 holies. And bows, 3. Up until Our Father, no exclamation. Lord have mercy, 12. Then, prayer, of saint Antioch the monk.

O Master, give us, going to sleep, the rest for soul and body, and preserve us from gloomy sinful sleep, and all dark and nightly voluptuousness. Calm down the onslaught of passions, and quench the flaming of the body, and the arrows on the knavish one, knavishly moved at us. And quench the raising of our flesh, and put to sleep all earthly and material aspiration. And grant us, O God cheerful mind and chaste thought, sobering heart, light sleep, and not tempted by any satanic dream. Raise us in the time of prayer, established in your commandments. And always having the remembrance of your judgements in myself, and give us all-night glorification, to sing and bless and glorify, your most honourable and magnificent name, of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and in the ages to ages, amen. O most glorious and ever Virgin Mother of God Mary, Mother of Christ our God, accept our prayers, and bring them to your Son and our God, so that he would save and enlighten our souls for your sake. Hope for us is God, refuge for us is Christ, protector for us is the Holy Spirit. Then, the priest says. Glory to you our God our hope glory to you. The clerics say, glory, now. Lord have mercy, Lord have mercy, Lord bless. Instead of the dismissal, the priest says this prayer.

Sovereign having great mercy, Lord Jesus Christ our God, by the prayers of our Most Pure and Most Blessed Lady Mother of God and Ever-Virgin Mary. By the power of the honourable and making-alive cross. By the protection of the honourable heavenly fleshless powers. Of the honourable and glorious prophet and Forerunner Baptizer John. Of the holy glorious and praised by all apostles. Of having good victory martyrs. Of venerable and God-bearing fathers. And of holy righteous parents of God, Joachim and Anna. And saint, name, of whom is the church. And all your saints, make our prayer well-received, and grant us forgiveness for our transgressions. Cover us with the protection of your wings, and drive away from us every enemy and adversary. And make our life peaceful, O Lord, and have mercy on us, and your world, and save our souls, as the Good One and the One who loves the humankind. And thus  stooping the priest says, Bless me holy fathers, and forgive me a sinner, as much as I sinned by word and action and thought, and by all my senses. And the brothers answer him, Let God forgive you and have mercy on you. And they also make a bow (metanie) down to the ground in front of him, saying each one to himself, Forgive me holy father and bless me, as much as I sinned in all days of my life. And in this day without number I sinned by soul and body, sleep and laziness, demonic obscuration. In impure thoughts, in forgetfulness of mind, in judging I sinned by heart, and all my senses, hearing and seeing, willingly and unwillingly, and there is no sin, that I have not committed. But I repent of all, forgive me holy father and bless me, and pray for me a sinner. Then the rector says, Let God by his grace forgive and have mercy on all of us. Then, the priest says the ektenia. Let us pray for the mighty Orthodox tsar and great prince, name. And we answer, Let God preserve the might of his kingdom. For the tsarina and the great princess of good faith, name. Let God protect and have mercy on her. And for their noble children. For the tsarevich prince of good faith, name. Let God protect and have mercy on him. For the tsarevna and great princess of good faith, name. Let God protect and have mercy on her. For all pious Orthodox princes. Let God save and have mercy on them. For the ever-remembered, and blessed creators of this holy church. Let God save and have mercy on them. If it is a monastery, say, of this holy monastery. For our Patriarch, name. Let God save and have mercy on him. For the church servants. Let God save and have mercy on them. For the help, and strengthening, of the Christ-loving army. Let God help and have mercy on them. For our spiritual fathers. If it is a monastery, For our father hegumen, name, and all our brothers in Christ. Let God save and have mercy on them. For those send to service, our fathers and brothers. Let God help and have mercy on them. For those who served, and now serve, in this holy church. Or, in this holy monastery. Let God save and have mercy on them. For those who hate, and love us. Let God forgive and have mercy on them. For those who gave us alms, and commanded us unworthy, to pray for them. Let God forgive and have mercy on them. For all sorrowing, and lying in infirmities, and sitting in prisons. Let God raise, and heal and have mercy on them. For the ailing and the suffering. Let God save and have mercy on them. For the deliverance of the captives. Let God free and have mercy on them. And for every Christian soul. Let God forgive and have mercy on them. And about the multiplication of the fruits of the earth. Let God multiply the fruits of the earth. If it is not Sunday, or a feast, we say for the rest of the souls. Let us remember those who departed from this life before, Orthodox tsars and princes together, and creators of this holy church. Or, this holy monastery. And we answer, Let God remember and set them at rest, patriarchs and metropolitans, and archbishops, and bishops, and spiritual fathers. Let God remember them and set them at rest. And all previously departed, our forefathers and fathers and brothers. Let God remember them and set them at rest. And those who served in this holy church. Or, in this holy monastery. Let God remember them and set them at rest. And those who lie here, and everywhere Orthodox Christians. Let God remember them and set them at rest. Also, the hegumen says, For the prayers of your Most Pure Mother, and our holy fathers, Lord Jesus Christ our God have mercy on us. Choir, amen. Then the rector, will stand before the holy gates, and makes bow, 3, down to the ground. Also, says the forgiveness to the brothers. Bless me holy fathers and brothers, and forgive me a sinner, as much as I have sinned in all days of my life by soul and body word and action and thought, and all my senses. And a bow, down to the earth. And the brothers answer. Let God forgive you honourable father. Then the brothers make bows to the rector. And each of them says. Forgive me holy father and bless me a sinner. And the rest according to the order. And the rector says. Let God by his grace forgive, and have mercy on us all. And having received the forgiveness each brother goes to his cell with all silence, to exercise in the cell rule, and rest in reading, so that to be able to rise for the church rule.

[1] cancel

[2] See the description of biblical musical instruments in: Елена Коляда, Библейские музыкальные инструменты. «Альфа и Омега», № 18, 1998. Электронная публикация:

[3] Or: needing.