The Midnight Service for Sunday | Russian Oldbeliever Church

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The Russian Orthodox Old Believer Church

The official website of the Moscow Metropolitanate.

Address: Russia, Moscow, Rogozhsky Poselok street, 1A, 5.
Phone: +7 (495) 361-51-91

The Midnight Service for Sunday

You should know, that if there is no All-night vigil on Sunday, there is the midnight service before the morning service. We make the beginning as is indicated before, in the midnight service for weekdays, and say everything that are written there.

And after Psalm 50 we say the canon to the Most Holy and Life-beginning Trinity, in the Oktai of the present voice. If in a cell, we sing the canon to the Most Holy and Life-beginning Trinity. Creation of Metrophanes. For which acrostic is. I bring you the Divinity of the sixth singing. Voice, 6. Song, 1. Irmos. Israel walking on foot on the abyss, as if on dry land, seeing the chasing pharaoh being drowned, called out: we sing to God a victorious song. Refrain, Most Holy Trinity our God glory to you. We sing three persons of Godhead, the unchangeable appearance of the one nature, of the good human-loving God, who gives us purification from sins. One Lord who is above being, and shines in three persons, in the identity of appearance, instruct us, and honour with your Divine shining. Glory. Paul adorned the bride, the church from gentiles, and taught to worship you the only God in three persons. From whom and by whom, and in whom is everything. Now, of the Mother of God. Mother of God, from your womb the sun of mind was born, and illuminated us with the dawns of the three-light Divinity. We praise it in songs, and bless you piously. Song, 3. Irmos. No one is holy like you O Lord my God, who raised the horn of your faithful, O Good One, and consolidated them on the stone of your confession. Having adorned O three-light God, the ranks of heaven, and having arranged them to sing to you in three-holy voices. Accept us together with them, those who sing your goodness. Singing one unchangeable Trinity, the Godhead, being one in three, we pray to you warmly. To send us now the forgiveness of many sins. Glory. Beginningless Mind Father, the Word of God which is one with him, and the Divine Spirit, good and righteous, protect those who sing your might faithfully, being benevolent. Now, of the Mother of God. Your Son, who became a human being according to nature in your womb, destroyed the pasture of corruption, and is the only one who freed the originators of the ancient condemnation. Then, Lord have mercy, thrice. Sessional hymn, voice,6. Prosomoion, That which is about us. Sovereign God look down from heaven, and see our humility as the generous one, and be merciful, O most good One who loves the humankind. We do not hope to receive forgiveness for evils, which we have sinned, from anywhere. So be with us, and no one is against us. Glory, now, of the Mother of God. Pure Lady, look down from heaven, and see the wounds of my scabs, and be merciful, O Most Pure. Heal the burning of conscience, watering with your mercy, and crying to your slave, I am with you, and no one is against you. Song, 4. Irmos. Christ is my power God and the Lord, sings the honourable church crying out, celebrating in the Lord from pure conscience. Unceasingly elevate thought, O three-light One, of those singing you and soon lift their soul and heart, and honour with the shining of your light. Change and transform me from all evil towards virtue, O One unchangeable and unaltered Trinity, and illuminate with your lights. Glory. Having thought first you composed the ranks of angels, O Wise One, serving your goodness, O God in three persons, accept our praise together with theirs. Now, of the Mother of God. God, eternally being not created by nature, accepted the created nature of men, and human image in your womb, O Mother of God Ever Virgin. Song, 5. Irmos. O Good One, enlighten the souls of those who pray in the morning with your God’s light, I pray, to know you the Word of God, true God, taking out of the gloom of sin. O beginningless Father God, and ever-being Son, and Holy Spirit, strengthen those who sing you, O Trinity one in origin, and deliver from all attacks and sorrows. Glory. Direct by shinings of God’s energies towards well-pleasing your Divinity in three persons, Son of glory teach me always, and make me a partaker of the Divine kingdom. Now, of the Mother of God. Unchangeable Word of God, holding and sustaining everything by your all-powerful hand, protect, and sustain those who glorify you, by the prayers of the Mother of God who gave birth to you. Song, 6. Irmos. Seeing the sea of life raised by the storm of temptations, I have fled into your quiet refuge and cry out to you, elevate my life from corruption, O the one having great mercy. Three-light Godhead, grant those who sing you wisdom and reason, and honour all to be illuminated by the light-giving rays of the beauty of your goodness. Light indivisible in essence, three-shining, all-powerful, unapproachable, illuminate the hearts of those who praise your might in faith, and give wings to fly to the Divine love. Glory. You are holy and most holy O Trinity our God, in three persons, sitting on the throne of cherubim, beginningless Father, and Son eternally being with him, born of him before ages, who in the end took flesh from Virgin Mother with the participation of the Holy Spirit, save and have mercy on those who worship your might. Now, of the Mother of God. Into you ever Virgin, the Sustainer and Lord of all, settled visibly, and taught people to worship the only three-shining light of Divinity. Lord have mercy, thrice. Sessional hymn, voice 6. Prosomoion. That which is about us. Father and Son with the Holy Spirit, look upon us who cry out with faith, and glorify your might, O merciful – those made of clay with those made of fire. For we do not know anyone except you. And call out to those who sing you, I am with you, and no one is against you. Glory, now, of the Mother of God. Look upon us, O Mother of God sung by all, illuminate the darkened hearts with light, and enlighten your flock O Most Pure. You can do everything you want, being the mother of my Creator. And you cry out to those who love you, I am with you and no one is against you. Song, 7. Irmos. The angel made the furnace cold-giving, for the pious children, and scorched the Chaldeans by the order of God. He convinced the torturer to cry out, Blessed is the God of our fathers. Make my thought firm, O One three-light in image, to keep and fulfil your Divine commandments, and always sing faithfully, blessed is the God of our fathers. Praised in the oneness of nature, ineffably one God, having three persons, protect us all from various temptations and attacks. Glory. We glorify you God, one in nature, whose persons have common nature and common eternal life, while their properties do not merge, showing different simple, not changing in appearance. Now, of the Mother of God. God who is above being, accepted, O Most Pure one, our mixture from your womb in a human-loving way visibly. And taught all to cry out, blessed is the God of our fathers. Song, 8. Irmos. You poured out dew from flame, and scorched the sacrifice and the water of the righteous one, you do everything you want, O Christ. This is why we extol you the Lord for ever. Grant me soon the healing of all sins, and deliverance from various passions, O Trinity, being whole, one in three persons, so that I, praying to you, glorify you warmly. The one who is known as wishing mercy, as merciful God, have mercy on all who sing your greatness, O three-light One, and the most good Trinity. Glory. Born from the Light which is always, Light eternally co-being with the Father, the Word, together with the Spirit, the proceeding Light, we glorify in faith, and extol the only God unceasingly. Now, of the Mother of God. You gave birth to the physician of men, O Most Holy, the all-powerful Word Christ and Lord, healing the ancestors’ wounds of all, who extol him for ever. Song, 9. Irmos. It is impossible for men to see God, upon whom the ranks of angels do not dare to look. By you, O Most Pure, the incarnated Word appeared to us. Extolling him, together with the heavenly warriors, we extol you. Not being able, O Sovereign, to see the beauty of your glory, the ranks of Cherubim, covering themselves with wings unceasingly cry out to you the singing of Trinity, and glorify the might of your one Godhead in three persons. Never setting sun, grant your shinings into the hearts of your slaves. And enlighten souls, and deliver from many transgressions, O the One having great mercy, in three persons, and honour us with incorruptible life. Glory. The one who is light, the only, and three-sun, and giving light, being the Divinity, illuminate those who sing you in faith, and deliver from evil deeds of darkness. And honour to enter your most bright settlements, for you are good. Now, of the Mother of God. Having created man in ancient times in a wise way, you Son, O Virgin, and having restored him corrupted, by you, O most worthy of praise. Fill with the Divine light of the three-sun shining all, who glorify you with faith as the true Mother of God. Then, refrains of Gregory the Sinaites, instead of It is right. It is right and becoming for God, to glorify you Holy Trinity, our God, unembraceable, and ever-being, and good in everything. Whom all born on earth sing, and heavenly powers glorify, who is worshipped faithfully by all, one in nature, having three hypostases. We laud you, being the Lord and the beginning of the cherubim, being undoubtedly God and the beginning of the seraphim. We extol you, O Indivisible Trinity in One, the Godhead. I worship the beginningless Father and God, cobeginningless Word with the Spirit. We glorify with faith the inseparable One, being One in nature, One in three. Let us sing, as is becoming for God, by Divine songs, the Father and the Son, and the Divine Spirit, nature in three persons, one reign and lordship. O my God, the All-Powerful in three persons, shine upon me your radiant lightnings. And show me the house of your inapproachable glory, bright and light-carrying and unchangeable. It is right to truly glorify you, the Word of God, before whom the Cherubim tremble and are filled with awe, and the heavenly powers glorify, Christ the life-giver who ineffably incarnated from the Virgin. Whom we will glorify with fear. Glory. Father the All-Powerful, Word of God, Most Holy Spirit, one power and image, one reign and Divinity and authority, have mercy and save those who worship you. And a bow with podruchnik. Now. Having seen your son who raised from the dead, as is becoming for God, O Most Pure Virgin, the creation was filled with ineffable joy. Glorifying him, we extol you. Then, 3 holies. And up until Our Father, kontakion, of the voice. Then, Lord have mercy, 40. Glory, now, More honourable than the Cherubim. By the name of the Lord, bless O father. Priest, God, be generous to us and bless us.* And we say this prayer, to the Most Holy Trinity. Creation of Mark the monk.

Almighty and making-alive Holy Trinity, the beginning of light, who brought all creatures of this world and the other world, from non-being only out of your goodness. And ruling by your providence and sustaining, who, after all your ineffable benefactions for the earthly race, also granted us repentance for the sake of the infirmity of flesh, do not leave us worthless, to die in our knavish deeds, nor to be an object of laugh for the beginner of evil and the envier, and the destroyer. For you, O Good in heart, see how much is his slander and enmity towards us, how much is our suffering, and weakness and negligence. But do to us according to your inexhaustible goodness. We beseech you, those who anger you on each day and hour, by transgressing your honourable and making-alive commandments. And forgive everything we committed during our previous life, and up until this hour, in acts, or words, or thoughts. And honour us to finish the rest of our life in repentance, and affection, and fulfilling of your holy orders. If we sinned in many ways, having been deceived by sweetness, or seduced by the lusts of this world, useless and harmful. If being moved by reasonableless anger and fury, we offended our brother. If by our tongue we were caught by unavoidable and crafty and strong nets. Or by some of our senses, or by all, willingly and unwillingly, or when our attention was stolen and we slipped unreasonably. If we defiled our conscience, by knavish and vain thoughts. If we sinned by some other way, by intent or being tormented by an evil custom, forgive us, O the All-generous, most good, and having great mercy. And grant us cheerfulness and power in future, so that we can follow your will – good, God-pleasing, and perfect. So that being changed from the evil of night and darkness, by the repentance, which is full of light. And walking in a decent way as in the daytime, we, unworthy, will appear before your love of humankind purified, singing you praises and extolling you for ever, amen.

Lord have mercy, twice. Lord bless us. Dismissal according to custom. The rest, as is written in the first midnight service.

* Others say, for the sake of the prayers of our holy fathers

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